Metadata Holding Grading Criteria for NCI-CTCAEv4admiral::atoxgr_criteria_ctcv5
Metadata Holding Grading Criteria for NCI-CTCAEv5admiral::atoxgr_criteria_daids
Metadata Holding Grading Criteria for DAIDsadmiral::country_code_lookup
Country Code Lookupadmiral::dose_freq_lookup
Pre-Defined Dose Frequenciesadmiral.test::admiral_sdg_db
SDG Datasetadmiral.test::admiral_smq_db
SMQ Datasetadmiral.test::admiral_suppae
Supplemental Adverse Events Datasetadmiral.test::admiral_suppdm
Supplemental Demography Datasetadmiral.test::admiral_suppds
Supplemental Disposition Dataset-updatedadmiral.test::admiral_supptr
Supplemental Tumor Results Datasetadmiralonco::admiral_adrs
Response Analysis Datasetadmiralophtha::admiralophtha_adbcva
Best Corrected Visual Acuity Analysis Datasetadmiralophtha::admiralophtha_adoe
Ophthalmology Exam Analysis Datasetadmiralophtha::admiralophtha_advfq
Visual Function Questionnaire Analysis Datasetadmiralvaccine::admiralvaccine_adce
Clinical Events Analysis Dataset - Vaccine Specificadmiralvaccine::admiralvaccine_adface
Findings About Clinical Events Analysis Dataset - Vaccine Specificadmiralvaccine::admiralvaccine_adis
Immunogenicity Specimen Assessments Analysis Dataset - Vaccine Specificadmiralvaccine::admiralvaccine_adsl
Subject Level Analysis Dataset - Vaccine Specificautoslider.core::eg_adtte
Cached ADTTEhermes::multi_assay_experiment
Example 'MultiAssayExperiment' Datahermes::summarized_experiment
Example 'SummarizedExperiment' DataMAIC::target_pop_standard
Cache Data for 'mmrm' Model Comparisonpharmaverseadam::adbcva_ophtha
Adverse Events for Ophthalmologypharmaversesdtm::ce_vaccine
Clinical Events for Vaccinepharmaversesdtm::dm_vaccine
Demographics for Vaccinepharmaversesdtm::ex_ophtha
Exposure for Ophthalmologypharmaversesdtm::ex_vaccine
Exposures for Vaccinepharmaversesdtm::face_vaccine
Findings About Clinical Events for Vaccinepharmaversesdtm::is_vaccine
Immunogenicity Specimen Assessments for Vaccinepharmaversesdtm::oe_ophtha
Ophthalmic Examinations for Ophthalmologypharmaversesdtm::qs_ophtha
Questionnaire for Ophthalmologypharmaversesdtm::rs_onco_ca125
Disease Response (GCIG)pharmaversesdtm::rs_onco_imwg
Disease Response (IMWG)pharmaversesdtm::rs_onco_irecist
Disease Response (iRECIST) for Oncologypharmaversesdtm::rs_onco_recist
Disease Response (RECIST 1.1) for Oncologypharmaversesdtm::sc_ophtha
Subject Characteristic for Ophthalmologypharmaversesdtm::suppce_vaccine
Supplemental Qualifiers for Clinical Events for Vaccinepharmaversesdtm::suppdm_vaccine
Supplemental Qualifiers for Demographics for Vaccinepharmaversesdtm::suppex_vaccine
Supplemental Qualifiers for Exposures for Vaccinepharmaversesdtm::suppface_vaccine
Supplemental Qualifiers for Findings About for Clinical Events for Vaccinepharmaversesdtm::suppis_vaccine
Supplemental Qualifiers for Immunogenicity Specimen Assessments for Vaccinepharmaversesdtm::supprs_onco_ca125
Supplemental Qualifiers for RS_ONCO_CA125pharmaversesdtm::supprs_onco_imwg
Supplemental Qualifiers for RS_ONCO_IMWGpharmaversesdtm::supptr_onco
Supplemental Tumor Results for Oncologypharmaversesdtm::tr_onco_recist
Tumor Results (RECIST 1.1) for Oncologypharmaversesdtm::tu_onco_recist
Tumor Identification (RECIST 1.1) for Oncologypharmaversesdtm::vs_vaccine
Vital Signs for
Cached ADTTErbmi::antidepressant_data
Antidepressant trial datascda.2021::rcd_2021_03_22
Cached datasets from ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_03_22_adae
Cached datasets from the 2021_03_22 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_03_22_adaette
Cached datasets from the 2021_03_22 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_03_22_adcm
Cached datasets from the 2021_03_22 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_03_22_addv
Cached datasets from the 2021_03_22 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_03_22_adeg
Cached datasets from the 2021_03_22 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_03_22_adex
Cached datasets from the 2021_03_22 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_03_22_adlb
Cached datasets from the 2021_03_22 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_03_22_admh
Cached datasets from the 2021_03_22 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_03_22_adqs
Cached datasets from the 2021_03_22 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_03_22_adrs
Cached datasets from the 2021_03_22 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_03_22_adsl
Cached datasets from the 2021_03_22 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_03_22_adsub
Cached datasets from the 2021_03_22 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_03_22_adtr
Cached datasets from the 2021_03_22 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_03_22_adtte
Cached datasets from the 2021_03_22 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_03_22_advs
Cached datasets from the 2021_03_22 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_05_05
Cached datasets from ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_05_05_adae
Cached datasets from the 2021_05_05 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_05_05_adaette
Cached datasets from the 2021_05_05 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_05_05_adcm
Cached datasets from the 2021_05_05 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_05_05_addv
Cached datasets from the 2021_05_05 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_05_05_adeg
Cached datasets from the 2021_05_05 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_05_05_adex
Cached datasets from the 2021_05_05 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_05_05_adhy
Cached datasets from the 2021_05_05 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_05_05_adlb
Cached datasets from the 2021_05_05 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_05_05_admh
Cached datasets from the 2021_05_05 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_05_05_adqs
Cached datasets from the 2021_05_05 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_05_05_adrs
Cached datasets from the 2021_05_05 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_05_05_adsl
Cached datasets from the 2021_05_05 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_05_05_adsub
Cached datasets from the 2021_05_05 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_05_05_adtr
Cached datasets from the 2021_05_05 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_05_05_adtte
Cached datasets from the 2021_05_05 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_05_05_advs
Cached datasets from the 2021_05_05 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_07_07
Cached datasets from ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_07_07_adae
Cached datasets from the 2021_07_07 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_07_07_adaette
Cached datasets from the 2021_07_07 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_07_07_adcm
Cached datasets from the 2021_07_07 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_07_07_addv
Cached datasets from the 2021_07_07 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_07_07_adeg
Cached datasets from the 2021_07_07 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_07_07_adex
Cached datasets from the 2021_07_07 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_07_07_adhy
Cached datasets from the 2021_07_07 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_07_07_adlb
Cached datasets from the 2021_07_07 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_07_07_admh
Cached datasets from the 2021_07_07 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_07_07_adqs
Cached datasets from the 2021_07_07 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_07_07_adrs
Cached datasets from the 2021_07_07 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_07_07_adsl
Cached datasets from the 2021_07_07 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_07_07_adsub
Cached datasets from the 2021_07_07 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_07_07_adtr
Cached datasets from the 2021_07_07 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_07_07_adtte
Cached datasets from the 2021_07_07 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_07_07_advs
Cached datasets from the 2021_07_07 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_10_13
Cached datasets from ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_10_13_adae
Cached datasets from the 2021_10_13 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_10_13_adaette
Cached datasets from the 2021_10_13 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_10_13_adcm
Cached datasets from the 2021_10_13 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_10_13_addv
Cached datasets from the 2021_10_13 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_10_13_adeg
Cached datasets from the 2021_10_13 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_10_13_adex
Cached datasets from the 2021_10_13 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_10_13_adhy
Cached datasets from the 2021_10_13 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_10_13_adlb
Cached datasets from the 2021_10_13 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_10_13_admh
Cached datasets from the 2021_10_13 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_10_13_adqs
Cached datasets from the 2021_10_13 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_10_13_adrs
Cached datasets from the 2021_10_13 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_10_13_adsl
Cached datasets from the 2021_10_13 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_10_13_adsub
Cached datasets from the 2021_10_13 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_10_13_adtr
Cached datasets from the 2021_10_13 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_10_13_adtte
Cached datasets from the 2021_10_13 release of ''scda.2021::rcd_2021_10_13_advs
Cached datasets from the 2021_10_13 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_01_28
Cached datasets from ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_01_28_adae
Cached datasets from the 2022_01_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_01_28_adaette
Cached datasets from the 2022_01_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_01_28_adcm
Cached datasets from the 2022_01_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_01_28_addv
Cached datasets from the 2022_01_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_01_28_adeg
Cached datasets from the 2022_01_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_01_28_adex
Cached datasets from the 2022_01_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_01_28_adhy
Cached datasets from the 2022_01_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_01_28_adlb
Cached datasets from the 2022_01_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_01_28_admh
Cached datasets from the 2022_01_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_01_28_adpc
Cached datasets from the 2022_01_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_01_28_adpp
Cached datasets from the 2022_01_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_01_28_adqs
Cached datasets from the 2022_01_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_01_28_adrs
Cached datasets from the 2022_01_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_01_28_adsl
Cached datasets from the 2022_01_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_01_28_adsub
Cached datasets from the 2022_01_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_01_28_adtr
Cached datasets from the 2022_01_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_01_28_adtte
Cached datasets from the 2022_01_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_01_28_advs
Cached datasets from the 2022_01_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_02_28
Cached datasets from ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_02_28_adab
Cached datasets from the 2022_02_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_02_28_adae
Cached datasets from the 2022_02_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_02_28_adaette
Cached datasets from the 2022_02_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_02_28_adcm
Cached datasets from the 2022_02_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_02_28_addv
Cached datasets from the 2022_02_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_02_28_adeg
Cached datasets from the 2022_02_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_02_28_adex
Cached datasets from the 2022_02_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_02_28_adhy
Cached datasets from the 2022_02_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_02_28_adlb
Cached datasets from the 2022_02_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_02_28_admh
Cached datasets from the 2022_02_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_02_28_adpc
Cached datasets from the 2022_02_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_02_28_adpp
Cached datasets from the 2022_02_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_02_28_adqs
Cached datasets from the 2022_02_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_02_28_adrs
Cached datasets from the 2022_02_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_02_28_adsl
Cached datasets from the 2022_02_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_02_28_adsub
Cached datasets from the 2022_02_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_02_28_adtr
Cached datasets from the 2022_02_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_02_28_adtte
Cached datasets from the 2022_02_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_02_28_advs
Cached datasets from the 2022_02_28 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_06_27
Cached datasets from ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_06_27_adab
Cached datasets from the 2022_06_27 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_06_27_adae
Cached datasets from the 2022_06_27 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_06_27_adaette
Cached datasets from the 2022_06_27 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_06_27_adcm
Cached datasets from the 2022_06_27 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_06_27_addv
Cached datasets from the 2022_06_27 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_06_27_adeg
Cached datasets from the 2022_06_27 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_06_27_adex
Cached datasets from the 2022_06_27 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_06_27_adhy
Cached datasets from the 2022_06_27 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_06_27_adlb
Cached datasets from the 2022_06_27 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_06_27_admh
Cached datasets from the 2022_06_27 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_06_27_adpc
Cached datasets from the 2022_06_27 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_06_27_adpp
Cached datasets from the 2022_06_27 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_06_27_adqs
Cached datasets from the 2022_06_27 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_06_27_adrs
Cached datasets from the 2022_06_27 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_06_27_adsl
Cached datasets from the 2022_06_27 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_06_27_adsub
Cached datasets from the 2022_06_27 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_06_27_adtr
Cached datasets from the 2022_06_27 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_06_27_adtte
Cached datasets from the 2022_06_27 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_06_27_advs
Cached datasets from the 2022_06_27 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_10_13
Cached datasets from ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_10_13_adab
Cached datasets from the 2022_10_13 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_10_13_adae
Cached datasets from the 2022_10_13 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_10_13_adaette
Cached datasets from the 2022_10_13 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_10_13_adcm
Cached datasets from the 2022_10_13 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_10_13_addv
Cached datasets from the 2022_10_13 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_10_13_adeg
Cached datasets from the 2022_10_13 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_10_13_adex
Cached datasets from the 2022_10_13 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_10_13_adhy
Cached datasets from the 2022_10_13 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_10_13_adlb
Cached datasets from the 2022_10_13 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_10_13_admh
Cached datasets from the 2022_10_13 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_10_13_adpc
Cached datasets from the 2022_10_13 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_10_13_adpp
Cached datasets from the 2022_10_13 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_10_13_adqlqc
Cached datasets from the 2022_10_13 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_10_13_adqs
Cached datasets from the 2022_10_13 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_10_13_adrs
Cached datasets from the 2022_10_13 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_10_13_adsl
Cached datasets from the 2022_10_13 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_10_13_adsub
Cached datasets from the 2022_10_13 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_10_13_adtr
Cached datasets from the 2022_10_13 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_10_13_adtte
Cached datasets from the 2022_10_13 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2022_10_13_advs
Cached datasets from the 2022_10_13 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_03_17
Cached datasets from ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_03_17_adab
Cached datasets from the 2023_03_17 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_03_17_adae
Cached datasets from the 2023_03_17 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_03_17_adaette
Cached datasets from the 2023_03_17 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_03_17_adcm
Cached datasets from the 2023_03_17 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_03_17_addv
Cached datasets from the 2023_03_17 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_03_17_adeg
Cached datasets from the 2023_03_17 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_03_17_adex
Cached datasets from the 2023_03_17 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_03_17_adhy
Cached datasets from the 2023_03_17 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_03_17_adlb
Cached datasets from the 2023_03_17 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_03_17_admh
Cached datasets from the 2023_03_17 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_03_17_adpc
Cached datasets from the 2023_03_17 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_03_17_adpp
Cached datasets from the 2023_03_17 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_03_17_adqlqc
Cached datasets from the 2023_03_17 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_03_17_adqs
Cached datasets from the 2023_03_17 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_03_17_adrs
Cached datasets from the 2023_03_17 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_03_17_adsl
Cached datasets from the 2023_03_17 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_03_17_adsub
Cached datasets from the 2023_03_17 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_03_17_adtr
Cached datasets from the 2023_03_17 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_03_17_adtte
Cached datasets from the 2023_03_17 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_03_17_advs
Cached datasets from the 2023_03_17 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_07_07
Cached datasets from ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_07_07_adab
Cached datasets from the 2023_07_07 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_07_07_adae
Cached datasets from the 2023_07_07 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_07_07_adaette
Cached datasets from the 2023_07_07 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_07_07_adcm
Cached datasets from the 2023_07_07 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_07_07_addv
Cached datasets from the 2023_07_07 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_07_07_adeg
Cached datasets from the 2023_07_07 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_07_07_adex
Cached datasets from the 2023_07_07 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_07_07_adhy
Cached datasets from the 2023_07_07 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_07_07_adlb
Cached datasets from the 2023_07_07 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_07_07_admh
Cached datasets from the 2023_07_07 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_07_07_adpc
Cached datasets from the 2023_07_07 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_07_07_adpp
Cached datasets from the 2023_07_07 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_07_07_adqlqc
Cached datasets from the 2023_07_07 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_07_07_adqs
Cached datasets from the 2023_07_07 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_07_07_adrs
Cached datasets from the 2023_07_07 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_07_07_adsl
Cached datasets from the 2023_07_07 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_07_07_adsub
Cached datasets from the 2023_07_07 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_07_07_adtr
Cached datasets from the 2023_07_07 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_07_07_adtte
Cached datasets from the 2023_07_07 release of ''scda.2022::rcd_2023_07_07_advs
Cached datasets from the 2023_07_07 release of ''sdtmchecks::sdtmchecksmeta
Metadata for
List containing default joining keys for 'CDISC' datasetsteal.modules.clinical::tmc_ex_adae
Simulated 'CDISC' Data for Examplesteal.modules.clinical::tmc_ex_adaette
Simulated 'CDISC' Data for Examplesteal.modules.clinical::tmc_ex_adcm
Simulated 'CDISC' Data for Examplesteal.modules.clinical::tmc_ex_adeg
Simulated 'CDISC' Data for Examplesteal.modules.clinical::tmc_ex_adex
Simulated 'CDISC' Data for Examplesteal.modules.clinical::tmc_ex_adlb
Simulated 'CDISC' Data for Examplesteal.modules.clinical::tmc_ex_admh
Simulated 'CDISC' Data for Examplesteal.modules.clinical::tmc_ex_adqs
Simulated 'CDISC' Data for Examplesteal.modules.clinical::tmc_ex_adrs
Simulated 'CDISC' Data for Examplesteal.modules.clinical::tmc_ex_adsl
Simulated 'CDISC' Data for Examplesteal.modules.clinical::tmc_ex_adtte
Simulated 'CDISC' Data for Examplesteal.modules.clinical::tmc_ex_advs
Simulated 'CDISC' Data for Examplestern.mmrm::mmrm_test_data
Example dataset for 'tern.mmrm' package.tern.rbmi::rbmi_test_data
Example dataset for 'tern.rbmi' package. This is an pool object from the rbmi analysis, see 'browseVignettes(package = "tern.rbmi")'