--- title: "Introduction to tern.gee" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_document: theme: "spacelab" highlight: "kate" toc: true toc_float: true vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Introduction to tern.gee} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} editor_options: markdown: wrap: 72 --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` ## Introduction Generalized Estimating Equations (GEEs) are mainly used for modeling longitudinal binary or count endpoints from clinical trials. Within this package, a GEE is used to estimate the parameters of a generalized linear model that includes as fixed effects the variables: treatment arm, categorical visit, and other covariates for adjustment (e.g. age, sex, race). The covariance structure of the residuals can take on different forms. Often, an unstructured (i.e. saturated parameterization) covariance matrix is assumed which can be represented by random effects in the model. This vignette shows the general purpose and syntax of the `tern.gee` R package which provides an interface for GEEs within the `tern` framework. This package builds upon some of the GEE functionality included in the `geepack` and `geeasy` R packages. Within this package, we have implemented GEEs in R in such a way that they can easily be embedded into a `shiny` application. See `teal.modules.clinical::tm_a_gee()` and the [`teal.modules.clinical` package](https://insightsengineering.github.io/teal.modules.clinical/) for more details about using this code inside a `shiny` application. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Example Here we will demonstrate how the `tern.gee` package functionality can be used to fit a GEE model and tabulate its output. ### Setup Our sample dataset, `fev_data`, is available in the `tern.gee` package and consists of seven variables: subject ID (`USUBJID`), visit number (`AVISIT`), treatment (`ARMCD` = TRT or PBO), 3-category `RACE`, `SEX`, FEV1 at baseline (%) (`FEV1_BL`), and FEV1 at study visits (%) (`FEV1`). Additionally we create an arbitrary binary variable `FEV1_BINARY` for our analysis which takes a value of 1 where `FEV1 > 30` and 0 otherwise. FEV1 (forced expired volume in one second) is a measure of how quickly the lungs can be emptied. Low levels of FEV1 may indicate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The scientific question at hand is whether treatment leads to an increase in FEV1 over time after adjusting for baseline covariates. ```{r, message=FALSE} library(tern.gee) fev_data$FEV1_BINARY <- as.integer(fev_data$FEV1 > 30) head(fev_data) ``` ### Model Fitting Fitting a GEE model is easy when you use `tern.gee`. By default, the model fitting function `fit_gee()` assumes unstructured correlation and proportional weights when calculating LS means, and fits a logistic regression model. Currently only logistic regression has been implemented as an available regression model when using `fit_gee()`. In future the package will be extended to include other models such as Poisson regression, etc. as alternative options. ```{r} fev_fit <- fit_gee( vars = list( response = "FEV1_BINARY", covariates = c("RACE", "SEX", "FEV1_BL"), arm = "ARMCD", id = "USUBJID", visit = "AVISIT" ), data = fev_data ) fev_fit ``` The resulting object consists of many pieces of information pertaining to the model such as the estimated coefficients, correlation parameters, etc. Additionally, the `lsmeans()` function from `tern.gee` can be used to extract the least squares means from any GEE model created using `fit_gee()`. ```{r} fev_lsmeans <- lsmeans(fev_fit, data = fev_data) fev_lsmeans ``` Based on the output, there is evidence to support that treatment leads to an increase in FEV1 over placebo. The GEE model can be refined by using different correlation structures and weighting schemes. ### Tabulation After fitting a GEE model and extracting the LS means you may want to display your results in a table. The `tern.gee` package contains functionality to summarize the results of a `lsmeans()` object in an `rtable` structure, using additional functions from the [`rtables` package](https://insightsengineering.github.io/rtables/). ```{r} fev_counts <- fev_data %>% dplyr::select(USUBJID, ARMCD) %>% unique() fev_gee_table <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% split_cols_by("ARMCD", ref_group = "PBO") %>% summarize_gee_logistic() %>% build_table(fev_lsmeans, alt_counts_df = fev_counts) fev_gee_table ``` First we create a table `fev_counts` to get the number of unique subjects receiving each treatment. These counts are displayed in the header of the table under each of the column names by specifying `show_colcounts = TRUE` when initializing the table via the `basic_table()` function. The table is split by arm (`ARMCD`), with `PBO` specified as the reference group to compare the `TRT` group to. Then the `summarize_gee_logistic()` function from `tern.gee` is applied. Finally, the `build_table()` function builds the `rtable` using our LS means dataset with `fev_counts` providing the counts of unique subjects in each arm.