is a package implementing a number
of teal
modules for the exploration of RNA-sequencing
counts data. In addition to predefined modules,
enables quick and easy ad-hoc module
Let’s assume you have a function awesome_plot()
takes a count matrix and makes an awesome plot out of it. Now you would
like to make a Shiny app where you can filter patients, samples, select
the experiment out of your MultiAssayExperiment
select the count matrix from the experiment, etc. Nothing is easier than
that with teal.modules.hermes
! We show you below how to
quickly spin up your UI, server and put them together into a nice little
In teal.modules.hermes
we provide modules that make the
experiment and assay selection super easy, see here for the UI part:
Similarly for the server we use the modules, and call then our awesome plotting function.
srv <- function(input,
mae_name) {
output$encoding_ui <- renderUI({
experimentSpecInput(session$ns("experiment"), data, mae_name),
experiment <- experimentSpecServer(
data = data,
filter_panel_api = filter_panel_api,
mae_name = mae_name,
name_annotation = NULL # If you have a gene name column in your rowData, can specify here.
assay <- assaySpecServer("assay", experiment$assays)
output$awesome_plot <- renderPlot({
data <- experiment$data()
assay <- assay()
req(assay %in% SummarizedExperiment::assayNames(data))
counts <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(data, assay)
df <- data.frame(gene = rownames(counts), counts = rowSums(counts))
df <- na.omit(df[order(df$counts, decreasing = TRUE), ])
df$gene <- factor(df$gene, levels = df$gene)
df <- df[1:10, ]
ggplot(df, aes(x = gene, y = counts)) +
geom_col() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90))
Now let’s assume you want to spin up your app for an MAE.
awesome_app <- function(mae, label = "My awesome app") {
mae_name <- "MAE"
data <- teal_data(MAE = hermes::lapply(mae, hermes::HermesData))
app <- init(
data = data,
modules = teal::modules(
label = label,
server = srv,
server_args = list(mae_name = mae_name),
ui = ui,
ui_args = list(mae_name = mae_name),
datanames = mae_name
shinyApp(app$ui, app$server)