Rebuilding Cached Random CDISC Data

Getting Started

Starting in R 3.6.0 the default kind of under-the-hood random-number generator was changed. Now, in order to get the results from set.seed() to match, you have to first call the function RNGkind(sample.kind = "Rounding").

It throws the expected warning:

Warning: non-uniform 'Rounding' sampler used

Code Maintenance

Currently, when a data-generating function is created or modified, then the below code chunk must be run to build the new/updated cached dataset and add it to the data/ directory. If a dataset that is a dependency for another dataset has been updated then the dependent dataset will also be updated. To manually specify which datasets should be updated, edit the data_to_update vector below, entering the desired dataset names.

Update Cached Data

Note: Prior to running the following code chunk, please ensure that you have reinstalled the package after completing all dataset modifications. Or use devtools::load_all() to reload functions. Execute the data-raw/rebuild_cached_data.R script to create, compare and save cached data to the data/ directory.