Title: | Package to Perform Matched-adjusted Indirect Comparisons |
Description: | A group of functions designed to perform matched-adjusted indirect comparisons as per NICE TSD 18 and summarise the results for survival data (using hazard ratios) and binary data (using odds ratios.) |
Authors: | Iain Bennett [cre], Jo Gregory [aut], Sarah Smith [aut], Richard Birnie [aut], F. Hoffmann La Roche Ltd [cph] |
Maintainer: | Iain Bennett <[email protected]> |
License: | Apache License (>= 2) |
Version: | 0.3.0 |
Built: | 2025-02-02 05:42:39 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/Roche/MAIC |
Bootstrapping for MAIC weighted hazard ratios
bootstrap_HR( intervention_data, matching, i, model, comparator_data, min_weight = 1e-04 )
bootstrap_HR( intervention_data, matching, i, model, comparator_data, min_weight = 1e-04 )
intervention_data |
A data frame containing individual patient data from the intervention study. |
matching |
A character vector giving the names of the covariates to use in matching. These names must match the column names in intervention_data. |
i |
Index used to select a sample within |
model |
A model formula in the form 'Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ ARM'. Variable names need to match the corresponding columns in intervention_data. |
comparator_data |
A data frame containing pseudo individual patient data from the comparator study needed to derive the relative treatment effect. The outcome variables names must match intervention_data. |
min_weight |
A numeric value that defines the minimum weight allowed. This value (default 0.0001) will replace weights estimated at 0 in a sample. |
This function is intended to be used in conjunction with the
function to return the statistic to be
bootstrapped. In this case by performing MAIC weighting using
estimate_weights and returning a weighted hazard ratio (HR) from a
Cox proportional hazards model. This is used as the 'statistic' argument in
the boot function.
The HR as a numeric value.
# This example code combines weighted individual patient data for 'intervention' # and pseudo individual patient data for 'comparator' and performs analyses for # two endpoints: overall survival (a time to event outcome) and objective # response (a binary outcome) library(dplyr) library(boot) library(survival) library(MAIC) library(ggplot2) library(survminer) library(flextable) library(officer) # load intervention data with weights saved in est_weights data(est_weights, package = "MAIC") # Combine data ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Combine the the comparator pseudo data with the analysis data, outputted from # the estimate_weights function # Read in digitised pseudo survival data for the comparator comparator_surv <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "psuedo_IPD.csv", package = "MAIC", mustWork = TRUE)) %>% rename(Time=Time, Event=Event) # Simulate response data based on the known proportion of responders comparator_n <- nrow(comparator_surv) # total number of patients in the comparator data comparator_prop_events <- 0.4 # proportion of responders # Calculate number with event # Use round() to ensure we end up with a whole number of people # number without an event = Total N - number with event to ensure we keep the # same number of patients n_with_event <- round(comparator_n*comparator_prop_events, digits = 0) comparator_binary <- data.frame("response"= c(rep(1, n_with_event), rep(0, comparator_n - n_with_event))) # Join survival and response comparator data # Note the rows do not represent observations from a particular patient # i.e. there is no relationship between the survival time and response status # for a given row since this is simulated data # In a real data set this relationship would be present comparator_input <- cbind(comparator_surv, comparator_binary) %>% mutate(wt=1, wt_rs=1, ARM="Comparator") # All patients have weight = 1 head(comparator_input) # Join comparator data with the intervention data (naming of variables should be # consistent between both datasets) # Set factor levels to ensure "Comparator" is the reference treatment combined_data <- bind_rows(est_weights$analysis_data, comparator_input) combined_data$ARM <- relevel(as.factor(combined_data$ARM), ref="Comparator") #### Estimating the relative effect -------------------------------------------- ### Example for survival data -------------------------------------------------- ## Kaplan-Meier plot # Unweighted intervention data KM_int <- survfit(formula = Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ 1 , data = est_weights$analysis_data, type="kaplan-meier") # Weighted intervention data KM_int_wtd <- survfit(formula = Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ 1 , data = est_weights$analysis_data, weights = wt, type="kaplan-meier") # Comparator data KM_comp <- survfit(formula = Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ 1 , data = comparator_input, type="kaplan-meier") # Combine the survfit objects ready for ggsurvplot KM_list <- list(Intervention = KM_int, Intervention_weighted = KM_int_wtd, Comparator = KM_comp) #Produce the Kaplan-Meier plot KM_plot <- ggsurvplot(KM_list, combine = TRUE, risk.table=TRUE, # numbers at risk displayed on the plot break.x.by=50, xlab="Time (days)", censor=FALSE, legend.title = "Treatment", title = "Kaplan-Meier plot of overall survival", legend.labs=c("Intervention", "Intervention weighted", "Comparator"), font.legend = list(size = 10)) + guides(colour=guide_legend(nrow = 2)) ## Estimating the hazard ratio (HR) # Fit a Cox model without weights to estimate the unweighted HR unweighted_cox <- coxph(Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ ARM, data = combined_data) HR_CI_cox <- summary(unweighted_cox)$conf.int %>% as.data.frame() %>% transmute("HR" = `exp(coef)`, "HR_low_CI" = `lower .95`, "HR_upp_CI" = `upper .95`) # Fit a Cox model with weights to estimate the weighted HR weighted_cox <- coxph(Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ ARM, data = combined_data, weights = wt) HR_CI_cox_wtd <- summary(weighted_cox)$conf.int %>% as.data.frame() %>% transmute("HR" = `exp(coef)`, "HR_low_CI" = `lower .95`, "HR_upp_CI" = `upper .95`) ## Bootstrap the confidence interval of the weighted HR HR_bootstraps <- boot(data = est_weights$analysis_data, # intervention data statistic = bootstrap_HR, # bootstrap the HR (defined in the MAIC package) R=1000, # number of bootstrap samples comparator_data = comparator_input, # comparator pseudo data matching = est_weights$matching_vars, # matching variables model = Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ ARM # model to fit ) ## Bootstrapping diagnostics # Summarize bootstrap estimates in a histogram # Vertical lines indicate the median and upper and lower CIs hist(HR_bootstraps$t, main = "", xlab = "Boostrapped HR") abline(v= quantile(HR_bootstraps$t, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)), lty=2) # Median of the bootstrap samples HR_median <- median(HR_bootstraps$t) # Bootstrap CI - Percentile CI boot_ci_HR <- boot.ci(boot.out = HR_bootstraps, index=1, type="perc") # Bootstrap CI - BCa CI boot_ci_HR_BCA <- boot.ci(boot.out = HR_bootstraps, index=1, type="bca") ## Summary # Produce a summary of HRs and CIs HR_summ <- rbind(HR_CI_cox, HR_CI_cox_wtd) %>% # Unweighted and weighted HRs and CIs from Cox models mutate(Method = c("HR (95% CI) from unadjusted Cox model", "HR (95% CI) from weighted Cox model")) %>% # Median bootstrapped HR and 95% percentile CI rbind(data.frame("HR" = HR_median, "HR_low_CI" = boot_ci_HR$percent[4], "HR_upp_CI" = boot_ci_HR$percent[5], "Method"="Bootstrap median HR (95% percentile CI)")) %>% # Median bootstrapped HR and 95% bias-corrected and accelerated bootstrap CI rbind(data.frame("HR" = HR_median, "HR_low_CI" = boot_ci_HR_BCA$bca[4], "HR_upp_CI" = boot_ci_HR_BCA$bca[5], "Method"="Bootstrap median HR (95% BCa CI)")) %>% #apply rounding for numeric columns mutate_if(.predicate = is.numeric, sprintf, fmt = "%.3f") %>% #format for output transmute(Method, HR_95_CI = paste0(HR, " (", HR_low_CI, " to ", HR_upp_CI, ")")) # Summarize the results in a table suitable for word/ powerpoint HR_table <- HR_summ %>% regulartable() %>% #make it a flextable object set_header_labels(Method = "Method", HR_95_CI = "Hazard ratio (95% CI)") %>% font(font = 'Arial', part = 'all') %>% fontsize(size = 14, part = 'all') %>% bold(part = 'header') %>% align(align = 'center', part = 'all') %>% align(j = 1, align = 'left', part = 'all') %>% border_outer(border = fp_border()) %>% border_inner_h(border = fp_border()) %>% border_inner_v(border = fp_border()) %>% autofit(add_w = 0.2, add_h = 2) ### Example for response data -------------------------------------------------- ## Estimating the odds ratio (OR) # Fit a logistic regression model without weights to estimate the unweighted OR unweighted_OR <- glm(formula = response~ARM, family = binomial(link="logit"), data = combined_data) # Log odds ratio log_OR_CI_logit <- cbind(coef(unweighted_OR), confint.default(unweighted_OR, level = 0.95))[2,] # Exponentiate to get Odds ratio OR_CI_logit <- exp(log_OR_CI_logit) #tidy up naming names(OR_CI_logit) <- c("OR", "OR_low_CI", "OR_upp_CI") # Fit a logistic regression model with weights to estimate the weighted OR weighted_OR <- suppressWarnings(glm(formula = response~ARM, family = binomial(link="logit"), data = combined_data, weight = wt)) # Weighted log odds ratio log_OR_CI_logit_wtd <- cbind(coef(weighted_OR), confint.default(weighted_OR, level = 0.95))[2,] # Exponentiate to get weighted odds ratio OR_CI_logit_wtd <- exp(log_OR_CI_logit_wtd) #tidy up naming names(OR_CI_logit_wtd) <- c("OR", "OR_low_CI", "OR_upp_CI") ## Bootstrap the confidence interval of the weighted OR OR_bootstraps <- boot(data = est_weights$analysis_data, # intervention data statistic = bootstrap_OR, # bootstrap the OR R = 1000, # number of bootstrap samples comparator_data = comparator_input, # comparator pseudo data matching = est_weights$matching_vars, # matching variables model = 'response ~ ARM' # model to fit ) ## Bootstrapping diagnostics # Summarize bootstrap estimates in a histogram # Vertical lines indicate the median and upper and lower CIs hist(OR_bootstraps$t, main = "", xlab = "Boostrapped OR") abline(v= quantile(OR_bootstraps$t, probs = c(0.025,0.5,0.975)), lty=2) # Median of the bootstrap samples OR_median <- median(OR_bootstraps$t) # Bootstrap CI - Percentile CI boot_ci_OR <- boot.ci(boot.out = OR_bootstraps, index=1, type="perc") # Bootstrap CI - BCa CI boot_ci_OR_BCA <- boot.ci(boot.out = OR_bootstraps, index=1, type="bca") ## Summary # Produce a summary of ORs and CIs OR_summ <- rbind(OR_CI_logit, OR_CI_logit_wtd) %>% # Unweighted and weighted ORs and CIs as.data.frame() %>% mutate(Method = c("OR (95% CI) from unadjusted logistic regression model", "OR (95% CI) from weighted logistic regression model")) %>% # Median bootstrapped HR and 95% percentile CI rbind(data.frame("OR" = OR_median, "OR_low_CI" = boot_ci_OR$percent[4], "OR_upp_CI" = boot_ci_OR$percent[5], "Method"="Bootstrap median HR (95% percentile CI)")) %>% # Median bootstrapped HR and 95% bias-corrected and accelerated bootstrap CI rbind(data.frame("OR" = OR_median, "OR_low_CI" = boot_ci_OR_BCA$bca[4], "OR_upp_CI" = boot_ci_OR_BCA$bca[5], "Method"="Bootstrap median HR (95% BCa CI)")) %>% #apply rounding for numeric columns mutate_if(.predicate = is.numeric, sprintf, fmt = "%.3f") %>% #format for output transmute(Method, OR_95_CI = paste0(OR, " (", OR_low_CI, " to ", OR_upp_CI, ")")) # turns the results to a table suitable for word/ powerpoint OR_table <- OR_summ %>% regulartable() %>% #make it a flextable object set_header_labels(Method = "Method", OR_95_CI = "Odds ratio (95% CI)") %>% font(font = 'Arial', part = 'all') %>% fontsize(size = 14, part = 'all') %>% bold(part = 'header') %>% align(align = 'center', part = 'all') %>% align(j = 1, align = 'left', part = 'all') %>% border_outer(border = fp_border()) %>% border_inner_h(border = fp_border()) %>% border_inner_v(border = fp_border()) %>% autofit(add_w = 0.2)
# This example code combines weighted individual patient data for 'intervention' # and pseudo individual patient data for 'comparator' and performs analyses for # two endpoints: overall survival (a time to event outcome) and objective # response (a binary outcome) library(dplyr) library(boot) library(survival) library(MAIC) library(ggplot2) library(survminer) library(flextable) library(officer) # load intervention data with weights saved in est_weights data(est_weights, package = "MAIC") # Combine data ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Combine the the comparator pseudo data with the analysis data, outputted from # the estimate_weights function # Read in digitised pseudo survival data for the comparator comparator_surv <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "psuedo_IPD.csv", package = "MAIC", mustWork = TRUE)) %>% rename(Time=Time, Event=Event) # Simulate response data based on the known proportion of responders comparator_n <- nrow(comparator_surv) # total number of patients in the comparator data comparator_prop_events <- 0.4 # proportion of responders # Calculate number with event # Use round() to ensure we end up with a whole number of people # number without an event = Total N - number with event to ensure we keep the # same number of patients n_with_event <- round(comparator_n*comparator_prop_events, digits = 0) comparator_binary <- data.frame("response"= c(rep(1, n_with_event), rep(0, comparator_n - n_with_event))) # Join survival and response comparator data # Note the rows do not represent observations from a particular patient # i.e. there is no relationship between the survival time and response status # for a given row since this is simulated data # In a real data set this relationship would be present comparator_input <- cbind(comparator_surv, comparator_binary) %>% mutate(wt=1, wt_rs=1, ARM="Comparator") # All patients have weight = 1 head(comparator_input) # Join comparator data with the intervention data (naming of variables should be # consistent between both datasets) # Set factor levels to ensure "Comparator" is the reference treatment combined_data <- bind_rows(est_weights$analysis_data, comparator_input) combined_data$ARM <- relevel(as.factor(combined_data$ARM), ref="Comparator") #### Estimating the relative effect -------------------------------------------- ### Example for survival data -------------------------------------------------- ## Kaplan-Meier plot # Unweighted intervention data KM_int <- survfit(formula = Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ 1 , data = est_weights$analysis_data, type="kaplan-meier") # Weighted intervention data KM_int_wtd <- survfit(formula = Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ 1 , data = est_weights$analysis_data, weights = wt, type="kaplan-meier") # Comparator data KM_comp <- survfit(formula = Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ 1 , data = comparator_input, type="kaplan-meier") # Combine the survfit objects ready for ggsurvplot KM_list <- list(Intervention = KM_int, Intervention_weighted = KM_int_wtd, Comparator = KM_comp) #Produce the Kaplan-Meier plot KM_plot <- ggsurvplot(KM_list, combine = TRUE, risk.table=TRUE, # numbers at risk displayed on the plot break.x.by=50, xlab="Time (days)", censor=FALSE, legend.title = "Treatment", title = "Kaplan-Meier plot of overall survival", legend.labs=c("Intervention", "Intervention weighted", "Comparator"), font.legend = list(size = 10)) + guides(colour=guide_legend(nrow = 2)) ## Estimating the hazard ratio (HR) # Fit a Cox model without weights to estimate the unweighted HR unweighted_cox <- coxph(Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ ARM, data = combined_data) HR_CI_cox <- summary(unweighted_cox)$conf.int %>% as.data.frame() %>% transmute("HR" = `exp(coef)`, "HR_low_CI" = `lower .95`, "HR_upp_CI" = `upper .95`) # Fit a Cox model with weights to estimate the weighted HR weighted_cox <- coxph(Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ ARM, data = combined_data, weights = wt) HR_CI_cox_wtd <- summary(weighted_cox)$conf.int %>% as.data.frame() %>% transmute("HR" = `exp(coef)`, "HR_low_CI" = `lower .95`, "HR_upp_CI" = `upper .95`) ## Bootstrap the confidence interval of the weighted HR HR_bootstraps <- boot(data = est_weights$analysis_data, # intervention data statistic = bootstrap_HR, # bootstrap the HR (defined in the MAIC package) R=1000, # number of bootstrap samples comparator_data = comparator_input, # comparator pseudo data matching = est_weights$matching_vars, # matching variables model = Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ ARM # model to fit ) ## Bootstrapping diagnostics # Summarize bootstrap estimates in a histogram # Vertical lines indicate the median and upper and lower CIs hist(HR_bootstraps$t, main = "", xlab = "Boostrapped HR") abline(v= quantile(HR_bootstraps$t, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)), lty=2) # Median of the bootstrap samples HR_median <- median(HR_bootstraps$t) # Bootstrap CI - Percentile CI boot_ci_HR <- boot.ci(boot.out = HR_bootstraps, index=1, type="perc") # Bootstrap CI - BCa CI boot_ci_HR_BCA <- boot.ci(boot.out = HR_bootstraps, index=1, type="bca") ## Summary # Produce a summary of HRs and CIs HR_summ <- rbind(HR_CI_cox, HR_CI_cox_wtd) %>% # Unweighted and weighted HRs and CIs from Cox models mutate(Method = c("HR (95% CI) from unadjusted Cox model", "HR (95% CI) from weighted Cox model")) %>% # Median bootstrapped HR and 95% percentile CI rbind(data.frame("HR" = HR_median, "HR_low_CI" = boot_ci_HR$percent[4], "HR_upp_CI" = boot_ci_HR$percent[5], "Method"="Bootstrap median HR (95% percentile CI)")) %>% # Median bootstrapped HR and 95% bias-corrected and accelerated bootstrap CI rbind(data.frame("HR" = HR_median, "HR_low_CI" = boot_ci_HR_BCA$bca[4], "HR_upp_CI" = boot_ci_HR_BCA$bca[5], "Method"="Bootstrap median HR (95% BCa CI)")) %>% #apply rounding for numeric columns mutate_if(.predicate = is.numeric, sprintf, fmt = "%.3f") %>% #format for output transmute(Method, HR_95_CI = paste0(HR, " (", HR_low_CI, " to ", HR_upp_CI, ")")) # Summarize the results in a table suitable for word/ powerpoint HR_table <- HR_summ %>% regulartable() %>% #make it a flextable object set_header_labels(Method = "Method", HR_95_CI = "Hazard ratio (95% CI)") %>% font(font = 'Arial', part = 'all') %>% fontsize(size = 14, part = 'all') %>% bold(part = 'header') %>% align(align = 'center', part = 'all') %>% align(j = 1, align = 'left', part = 'all') %>% border_outer(border = fp_border()) %>% border_inner_h(border = fp_border()) %>% border_inner_v(border = fp_border()) %>% autofit(add_w = 0.2, add_h = 2) ### Example for response data -------------------------------------------------- ## Estimating the odds ratio (OR) # Fit a logistic regression model without weights to estimate the unweighted OR unweighted_OR <- glm(formula = response~ARM, family = binomial(link="logit"), data = combined_data) # Log odds ratio log_OR_CI_logit <- cbind(coef(unweighted_OR), confint.default(unweighted_OR, level = 0.95))[2,] # Exponentiate to get Odds ratio OR_CI_logit <- exp(log_OR_CI_logit) #tidy up naming names(OR_CI_logit) <- c("OR", "OR_low_CI", "OR_upp_CI") # Fit a logistic regression model with weights to estimate the weighted OR weighted_OR <- suppressWarnings(glm(formula = response~ARM, family = binomial(link="logit"), data = combined_data, weight = wt)) # Weighted log odds ratio log_OR_CI_logit_wtd <- cbind(coef(weighted_OR), confint.default(weighted_OR, level = 0.95))[2,] # Exponentiate to get weighted odds ratio OR_CI_logit_wtd <- exp(log_OR_CI_logit_wtd) #tidy up naming names(OR_CI_logit_wtd) <- c("OR", "OR_low_CI", "OR_upp_CI") ## Bootstrap the confidence interval of the weighted OR OR_bootstraps <- boot(data = est_weights$analysis_data, # intervention data statistic = bootstrap_OR, # bootstrap the OR R = 1000, # number of bootstrap samples comparator_data = comparator_input, # comparator pseudo data matching = est_weights$matching_vars, # matching variables model = 'response ~ ARM' # model to fit ) ## Bootstrapping diagnostics # Summarize bootstrap estimates in a histogram # Vertical lines indicate the median and upper and lower CIs hist(OR_bootstraps$t, main = "", xlab = "Boostrapped OR") abline(v= quantile(OR_bootstraps$t, probs = c(0.025,0.5,0.975)), lty=2) # Median of the bootstrap samples OR_median <- median(OR_bootstraps$t) # Bootstrap CI - Percentile CI boot_ci_OR <- boot.ci(boot.out = OR_bootstraps, index=1, type="perc") # Bootstrap CI - BCa CI boot_ci_OR_BCA <- boot.ci(boot.out = OR_bootstraps, index=1, type="bca") ## Summary # Produce a summary of ORs and CIs OR_summ <- rbind(OR_CI_logit, OR_CI_logit_wtd) %>% # Unweighted and weighted ORs and CIs as.data.frame() %>% mutate(Method = c("OR (95% CI) from unadjusted logistic regression model", "OR (95% CI) from weighted logistic regression model")) %>% # Median bootstrapped HR and 95% percentile CI rbind(data.frame("OR" = OR_median, "OR_low_CI" = boot_ci_OR$percent[4], "OR_upp_CI" = boot_ci_OR$percent[5], "Method"="Bootstrap median HR (95% percentile CI)")) %>% # Median bootstrapped HR and 95% bias-corrected and accelerated bootstrap CI rbind(data.frame("OR" = OR_median, "OR_low_CI" = boot_ci_OR_BCA$bca[4], "OR_upp_CI" = boot_ci_OR_BCA$bca[5], "Method"="Bootstrap median HR (95% BCa CI)")) %>% #apply rounding for numeric columns mutate_if(.predicate = is.numeric, sprintf, fmt = "%.3f") %>% #format for output transmute(Method, OR_95_CI = paste0(OR, " (", OR_low_CI, " to ", OR_upp_CI, ")")) # turns the results to a table suitable for word/ powerpoint OR_table <- OR_summ %>% regulartable() %>% #make it a flextable object set_header_labels(Method = "Method", OR_95_CI = "Odds ratio (95% CI)") %>% font(font = 'Arial', part = 'all') %>% fontsize(size = 14, part = 'all') %>% bold(part = 'header') %>% align(align = 'center', part = 'all') %>% align(j = 1, align = 'left', part = 'all') %>% border_outer(border = fp_border()) %>% border_inner_h(border = fp_border()) %>% border_inner_v(border = fp_border()) %>% autofit(add_w = 0.2)
Bootstrapping for MAIC weighted odds ratios
bootstrap_OR( intervention_data, matching, i, model, comparator_data, min_weight = 1e-04 )
bootstrap_OR( intervention_data, matching, i, model, comparator_data, min_weight = 1e-04 )
intervention_data |
A data frame containing individual patient data from the intervention study. |
matching |
A character vector giving the names of the covariates to use in matching. These names must match the column names in intervention_data. |
i |
Index used to select a sample within |
model |
A model formula in the form 'endpoint ~ treatment_var'. Variable names need to match the corresponding columns in intervention_data. |
comparator_data |
A data frame containing pseudo individual patient data from the comparator study needed to derive the relative treatment effect. The outcome variables names must match intervention_data. |
min_weight |
A numeric value that defines the minimum weight allowed. This value (default 0.0001) will replace weights estimated at 0 in a sample. |
This function is intended to be used in conjunction with the
function to return the statistic to be
bootstrapped. In this case by performing MAIC weighting using
estimate_weights and returning a weighted odds ratio (OR) from a
logistic regression model. This is used as the 'statistic' argument in
the boot function.
The OR as a numeric value.
# This example code combines weighted individual patient data for 'intervention' # and pseudo individual patient data for 'comparator' and performs analyses for # two endpoints: overall survival (a time to event outcome) and objective # response (a binary outcome) library(dplyr) library(boot) library(survival) library(MAIC) library(ggplot2) library(survminer) library(flextable) library(officer) # load intervention data with weights saved in est_weights data(est_weights, package = "MAIC") # Combine data ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Combine the the comparator pseudo data with the analysis data, outputted from # the estimate_weights function # Read in digitised pseudo survival data for the comparator comparator_surv <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "psuedo_IPD.csv", package = "MAIC", mustWork = TRUE)) %>% rename(Time=Time, Event=Event) # Simulate response data based on the known proportion of responders comparator_n <- nrow(comparator_surv) # total number of patients in the comparator data comparator_prop_events <- 0.4 # proportion of responders # Calculate number with event # Use round() to ensure we end up with a whole number of people # number without an event = Total N - number with event to ensure we keep the # same number of patients n_with_event <- round(comparator_n*comparator_prop_events, digits = 0) comparator_binary <- data.frame("response"= c(rep(1, n_with_event), rep(0, comparator_n - n_with_event))) # Join survival and response comparator data # Note the rows do not represent observations from a particular patient # i.e. there is no relationship between the survival time and response status # for a given row since this is simulated data # In a real data set this relationship would be present comparator_input <- cbind(comparator_surv, comparator_binary) %>% mutate(wt=1, wt_rs=1, ARM="Comparator") # All patients have weight = 1 head(comparator_input) # Join comparator data with the intervention data (naming of variables should be # consistent between both datasets) # Set factor levels to ensure "Comparator" is the reference treatment combined_data <- bind_rows(est_weights$analysis_data, comparator_input) combined_data$ARM <- relevel(as.factor(combined_data$ARM), ref="Comparator") #### Estimating the relative effect -------------------------------------------- ### Example for survival data -------------------------------------------------- ## Kaplan-Meier plot # Unweighted intervention data KM_int <- survfit(formula = Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ 1 , data = est_weights$analysis_data, type="kaplan-meier") # Weighted intervention data KM_int_wtd <- survfit(formula = Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ 1 , data = est_weights$analysis_data, weights = wt, type="kaplan-meier") # Comparator data KM_comp <- survfit(formula = Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ 1 , data = comparator_input, type="kaplan-meier") # Combine the survfit objects ready for ggsurvplot KM_list <- list(Intervention = KM_int, Intervention_weighted = KM_int_wtd, Comparator = KM_comp) #Produce the Kaplan-Meier plot KM_plot <- ggsurvplot(KM_list, combine = TRUE, risk.table=TRUE, # numbers at risk displayed on the plot break.x.by=50, xlab="Time (days)", censor=FALSE, legend.title = "Treatment", title = "Kaplan-Meier plot of overall survival", legend.labs=c("Intervention", "Intervention weighted", "Comparator"), font.legend = list(size = 10)) + guides(colour=guide_legend(nrow = 2)) ## Estimating the hazard ratio (HR) # Fit a Cox model without weights to estimate the unweighted HR unweighted_cox <- coxph(Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ ARM, data = combined_data) HR_CI_cox <- summary(unweighted_cox)$conf.int %>% as.data.frame() %>% transmute("HR" = `exp(coef)`, "HR_low_CI" = `lower .95`, "HR_upp_CI" = `upper .95`) # Fit a Cox model with weights to estimate the weighted HR weighted_cox <- coxph(Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ ARM, data = combined_data, weights = wt) HR_CI_cox_wtd <- summary(weighted_cox)$conf.int %>% as.data.frame() %>% transmute("HR" = `exp(coef)`, "HR_low_CI" = `lower .95`, "HR_upp_CI" = `upper .95`) ## Bootstrap the confidence interval of the weighted HR HR_bootstraps <- boot(data = est_weights$analysis_data, # intervention data statistic = bootstrap_HR, # bootstrap the HR (defined in the MAIC package) R=1000, # number of bootstrap samples comparator_data = comparator_input, # comparator pseudo data matching = est_weights$matching_vars, # matching variables model = Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ ARM # model to fit ) ## Bootstrapping diagnostics # Summarize bootstrap estimates in a histogram # Vertical lines indicate the median and upper and lower CIs hist(HR_bootstraps$t, main = "", xlab = "Boostrapped HR") abline(v= quantile(HR_bootstraps$t, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)), lty=2) # Median of the bootstrap samples HR_median <- median(HR_bootstraps$t) # Bootstrap CI - Percentile CI boot_ci_HR <- boot.ci(boot.out = HR_bootstraps, index=1, type="perc") # Bootstrap CI - BCa CI boot_ci_HR_BCA <- boot.ci(boot.out = HR_bootstraps, index=1, type="bca") ## Summary # Produce a summary of HRs and CIs HR_summ <- rbind(HR_CI_cox, HR_CI_cox_wtd) %>% # Unweighted and weighted HRs and CIs from Cox models mutate(Method = c("HR (95% CI) from unadjusted Cox model", "HR (95% CI) from weighted Cox model")) %>% # Median bootstrapped HR and 95% percentile CI rbind(data.frame("HR" = HR_median, "HR_low_CI" = boot_ci_HR$percent[4], "HR_upp_CI" = boot_ci_HR$percent[5], "Method"="Bootstrap median HR (95% percentile CI)")) %>% # Median bootstrapped HR and 95% bias-corrected and accelerated bootstrap CI rbind(data.frame("HR" = HR_median, "HR_low_CI" = boot_ci_HR_BCA$bca[4], "HR_upp_CI" = boot_ci_HR_BCA$bca[5], "Method"="Bootstrap median HR (95% BCa CI)")) %>% #apply rounding for numeric columns mutate_if(.predicate = is.numeric, sprintf, fmt = "%.3f") %>% #format for output transmute(Method, HR_95_CI = paste0(HR, " (", HR_low_CI, " to ", HR_upp_CI, ")")) # Summarize the results in a table suitable for word/ powerpoint HR_table <- HR_summ %>% regulartable() %>% #make it a flextable object set_header_labels(Method = "Method", HR_95_CI = "Hazard ratio (95% CI)") %>% font(font = 'Arial', part = 'all') %>% fontsize(size = 14, part = 'all') %>% bold(part = 'header') %>% align(align = 'center', part = 'all') %>% align(j = 1, align = 'left', part = 'all') %>% border_outer(border = fp_border()) %>% border_inner_h(border = fp_border()) %>% border_inner_v(border = fp_border()) %>% autofit(add_w = 0.2, add_h = 2) ### Example for response data -------------------------------------------------- ## Estimating the odds ratio (OR) # Fit a logistic regression model without weights to estimate the unweighted OR unweighted_OR <- glm(formula = response~ARM, family = binomial(link="logit"), data = combined_data) # Log odds ratio log_OR_CI_logit <- cbind(coef(unweighted_OR), confint.default(unweighted_OR, level = 0.95))[2,] # Exponentiate to get Odds ratio OR_CI_logit <- exp(log_OR_CI_logit) #tidy up naming names(OR_CI_logit) <- c("OR", "OR_low_CI", "OR_upp_CI") # Fit a logistic regression model with weights to estimate the weighted OR weighted_OR <- suppressWarnings(glm(formula = response~ARM, family = binomial(link="logit"), data = combined_data, weight = wt)) # Weighted log odds ratio log_OR_CI_logit_wtd <- cbind(coef(weighted_OR), confint.default(weighted_OR, level = 0.95))[2,] # Exponentiate to get weighted odds ratio OR_CI_logit_wtd <- exp(log_OR_CI_logit_wtd) #tidy up naming names(OR_CI_logit_wtd) <- c("OR", "OR_low_CI", "OR_upp_CI") ## Bootstrap the confidence interval of the weighted OR OR_bootstraps <- boot(data = est_weights$analysis_data, # intervention data statistic = bootstrap_OR, # bootstrap the OR R = 1000, # number of bootstrap samples comparator_data = comparator_input, # comparator pseudo data matching = est_weights$matching_vars, # matching variables model = 'response ~ ARM' # model to fit ) ## Bootstrapping diagnostics # Summarize bootstrap estimates in a histogram # Vertical lines indicate the median and upper and lower CIs hist(OR_bootstraps$t, main = "", xlab = "Boostrapped OR") abline(v= quantile(OR_bootstraps$t, probs = c(0.025,0.5,0.975)), lty=2) # Median of the bootstrap samples OR_median <- median(OR_bootstraps$t) # Bootstrap CI - Percentile CI boot_ci_OR <- boot.ci(boot.out = OR_bootstraps, index=1, type="perc") # Bootstrap CI - BCa CI boot_ci_OR_BCA <- boot.ci(boot.out = OR_bootstraps, index=1, type="bca") ## Summary # Produce a summary of ORs and CIs OR_summ <- rbind(OR_CI_logit, OR_CI_logit_wtd) %>% # Unweighted and weighted ORs and CIs as.data.frame() %>% mutate(Method = c("OR (95% CI) from unadjusted logistic regression model", "OR (95% CI) from weighted logistic regression model")) %>% # Median bootstrapped HR and 95% percentile CI rbind(data.frame("OR" = OR_median, "OR_low_CI" = boot_ci_OR$percent[4], "OR_upp_CI" = boot_ci_OR$percent[5], "Method"="Bootstrap median HR (95% percentile CI)")) %>% # Median bootstrapped HR and 95% bias-corrected and accelerated bootstrap CI rbind(data.frame("OR" = OR_median, "OR_low_CI" = boot_ci_OR_BCA$bca[4], "OR_upp_CI" = boot_ci_OR_BCA$bca[5], "Method"="Bootstrap median HR (95% BCa CI)")) %>% #apply rounding for numeric columns mutate_if(.predicate = is.numeric, sprintf, fmt = "%.3f") %>% #format for output transmute(Method, OR_95_CI = paste0(OR, " (", OR_low_CI, " to ", OR_upp_CI, ")")) # turns the results to a table suitable for word/ powerpoint OR_table <- OR_summ %>% regulartable() %>% #make it a flextable object set_header_labels(Method = "Method", OR_95_CI = "Odds ratio (95% CI)") %>% font(font = 'Arial', part = 'all') %>% fontsize(size = 14, part = 'all') %>% bold(part = 'header') %>% align(align = 'center', part = 'all') %>% align(j = 1, align = 'left', part = 'all') %>% border_outer(border = fp_border()) %>% border_inner_h(border = fp_border()) %>% border_inner_v(border = fp_border()) %>% autofit(add_w = 0.2)
# This example code combines weighted individual patient data for 'intervention' # and pseudo individual patient data for 'comparator' and performs analyses for # two endpoints: overall survival (a time to event outcome) and objective # response (a binary outcome) library(dplyr) library(boot) library(survival) library(MAIC) library(ggplot2) library(survminer) library(flextable) library(officer) # load intervention data with weights saved in est_weights data(est_weights, package = "MAIC") # Combine data ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Combine the the comparator pseudo data with the analysis data, outputted from # the estimate_weights function # Read in digitised pseudo survival data for the comparator comparator_surv <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "psuedo_IPD.csv", package = "MAIC", mustWork = TRUE)) %>% rename(Time=Time, Event=Event) # Simulate response data based on the known proportion of responders comparator_n <- nrow(comparator_surv) # total number of patients in the comparator data comparator_prop_events <- 0.4 # proportion of responders # Calculate number with event # Use round() to ensure we end up with a whole number of people # number without an event = Total N - number with event to ensure we keep the # same number of patients n_with_event <- round(comparator_n*comparator_prop_events, digits = 0) comparator_binary <- data.frame("response"= c(rep(1, n_with_event), rep(0, comparator_n - n_with_event))) # Join survival and response comparator data # Note the rows do not represent observations from a particular patient # i.e. there is no relationship between the survival time and response status # for a given row since this is simulated data # In a real data set this relationship would be present comparator_input <- cbind(comparator_surv, comparator_binary) %>% mutate(wt=1, wt_rs=1, ARM="Comparator") # All patients have weight = 1 head(comparator_input) # Join comparator data with the intervention data (naming of variables should be # consistent between both datasets) # Set factor levels to ensure "Comparator" is the reference treatment combined_data <- bind_rows(est_weights$analysis_data, comparator_input) combined_data$ARM <- relevel(as.factor(combined_data$ARM), ref="Comparator") #### Estimating the relative effect -------------------------------------------- ### Example for survival data -------------------------------------------------- ## Kaplan-Meier plot # Unweighted intervention data KM_int <- survfit(formula = Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ 1 , data = est_weights$analysis_data, type="kaplan-meier") # Weighted intervention data KM_int_wtd <- survfit(formula = Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ 1 , data = est_weights$analysis_data, weights = wt, type="kaplan-meier") # Comparator data KM_comp <- survfit(formula = Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ 1 , data = comparator_input, type="kaplan-meier") # Combine the survfit objects ready for ggsurvplot KM_list <- list(Intervention = KM_int, Intervention_weighted = KM_int_wtd, Comparator = KM_comp) #Produce the Kaplan-Meier plot KM_plot <- ggsurvplot(KM_list, combine = TRUE, risk.table=TRUE, # numbers at risk displayed on the plot break.x.by=50, xlab="Time (days)", censor=FALSE, legend.title = "Treatment", title = "Kaplan-Meier plot of overall survival", legend.labs=c("Intervention", "Intervention weighted", "Comparator"), font.legend = list(size = 10)) + guides(colour=guide_legend(nrow = 2)) ## Estimating the hazard ratio (HR) # Fit a Cox model without weights to estimate the unweighted HR unweighted_cox <- coxph(Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ ARM, data = combined_data) HR_CI_cox <- summary(unweighted_cox)$conf.int %>% as.data.frame() %>% transmute("HR" = `exp(coef)`, "HR_low_CI" = `lower .95`, "HR_upp_CI" = `upper .95`) # Fit a Cox model with weights to estimate the weighted HR weighted_cox <- coxph(Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ ARM, data = combined_data, weights = wt) HR_CI_cox_wtd <- summary(weighted_cox)$conf.int %>% as.data.frame() %>% transmute("HR" = `exp(coef)`, "HR_low_CI" = `lower .95`, "HR_upp_CI" = `upper .95`) ## Bootstrap the confidence interval of the weighted HR HR_bootstraps <- boot(data = est_weights$analysis_data, # intervention data statistic = bootstrap_HR, # bootstrap the HR (defined in the MAIC package) R=1000, # number of bootstrap samples comparator_data = comparator_input, # comparator pseudo data matching = est_weights$matching_vars, # matching variables model = Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ ARM # model to fit ) ## Bootstrapping diagnostics # Summarize bootstrap estimates in a histogram # Vertical lines indicate the median and upper and lower CIs hist(HR_bootstraps$t, main = "", xlab = "Boostrapped HR") abline(v= quantile(HR_bootstraps$t, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)), lty=2) # Median of the bootstrap samples HR_median <- median(HR_bootstraps$t) # Bootstrap CI - Percentile CI boot_ci_HR <- boot.ci(boot.out = HR_bootstraps, index=1, type="perc") # Bootstrap CI - BCa CI boot_ci_HR_BCA <- boot.ci(boot.out = HR_bootstraps, index=1, type="bca") ## Summary # Produce a summary of HRs and CIs HR_summ <- rbind(HR_CI_cox, HR_CI_cox_wtd) %>% # Unweighted and weighted HRs and CIs from Cox models mutate(Method = c("HR (95% CI) from unadjusted Cox model", "HR (95% CI) from weighted Cox model")) %>% # Median bootstrapped HR and 95% percentile CI rbind(data.frame("HR" = HR_median, "HR_low_CI" = boot_ci_HR$percent[4], "HR_upp_CI" = boot_ci_HR$percent[5], "Method"="Bootstrap median HR (95% percentile CI)")) %>% # Median bootstrapped HR and 95% bias-corrected and accelerated bootstrap CI rbind(data.frame("HR" = HR_median, "HR_low_CI" = boot_ci_HR_BCA$bca[4], "HR_upp_CI" = boot_ci_HR_BCA$bca[5], "Method"="Bootstrap median HR (95% BCa CI)")) %>% #apply rounding for numeric columns mutate_if(.predicate = is.numeric, sprintf, fmt = "%.3f") %>% #format for output transmute(Method, HR_95_CI = paste0(HR, " (", HR_low_CI, " to ", HR_upp_CI, ")")) # Summarize the results in a table suitable for word/ powerpoint HR_table <- HR_summ %>% regulartable() %>% #make it a flextable object set_header_labels(Method = "Method", HR_95_CI = "Hazard ratio (95% CI)") %>% font(font = 'Arial', part = 'all') %>% fontsize(size = 14, part = 'all') %>% bold(part = 'header') %>% align(align = 'center', part = 'all') %>% align(j = 1, align = 'left', part = 'all') %>% border_outer(border = fp_border()) %>% border_inner_h(border = fp_border()) %>% border_inner_v(border = fp_border()) %>% autofit(add_w = 0.2, add_h = 2) ### Example for response data -------------------------------------------------- ## Estimating the odds ratio (OR) # Fit a logistic regression model without weights to estimate the unweighted OR unweighted_OR <- glm(formula = response~ARM, family = binomial(link="logit"), data = combined_data) # Log odds ratio log_OR_CI_logit <- cbind(coef(unweighted_OR), confint.default(unweighted_OR, level = 0.95))[2,] # Exponentiate to get Odds ratio OR_CI_logit <- exp(log_OR_CI_logit) #tidy up naming names(OR_CI_logit) <- c("OR", "OR_low_CI", "OR_upp_CI") # Fit a logistic regression model with weights to estimate the weighted OR weighted_OR <- suppressWarnings(glm(formula = response~ARM, family = binomial(link="logit"), data = combined_data, weight = wt)) # Weighted log odds ratio log_OR_CI_logit_wtd <- cbind(coef(weighted_OR), confint.default(weighted_OR, level = 0.95))[2,] # Exponentiate to get weighted odds ratio OR_CI_logit_wtd <- exp(log_OR_CI_logit_wtd) #tidy up naming names(OR_CI_logit_wtd) <- c("OR", "OR_low_CI", "OR_upp_CI") ## Bootstrap the confidence interval of the weighted OR OR_bootstraps <- boot(data = est_weights$analysis_data, # intervention data statistic = bootstrap_OR, # bootstrap the OR R = 1000, # number of bootstrap samples comparator_data = comparator_input, # comparator pseudo data matching = est_weights$matching_vars, # matching variables model = 'response ~ ARM' # model to fit ) ## Bootstrapping diagnostics # Summarize bootstrap estimates in a histogram # Vertical lines indicate the median and upper and lower CIs hist(OR_bootstraps$t, main = "", xlab = "Boostrapped OR") abline(v= quantile(OR_bootstraps$t, probs = c(0.025,0.5,0.975)), lty=2) # Median of the bootstrap samples OR_median <- median(OR_bootstraps$t) # Bootstrap CI - Percentile CI boot_ci_OR <- boot.ci(boot.out = OR_bootstraps, index=1, type="perc") # Bootstrap CI - BCa CI boot_ci_OR_BCA <- boot.ci(boot.out = OR_bootstraps, index=1, type="bca") ## Summary # Produce a summary of ORs and CIs OR_summ <- rbind(OR_CI_logit, OR_CI_logit_wtd) %>% # Unweighted and weighted ORs and CIs as.data.frame() %>% mutate(Method = c("OR (95% CI) from unadjusted logistic regression model", "OR (95% CI) from weighted logistic regression model")) %>% # Median bootstrapped HR and 95% percentile CI rbind(data.frame("OR" = OR_median, "OR_low_CI" = boot_ci_OR$percent[4], "OR_upp_CI" = boot_ci_OR$percent[5], "Method"="Bootstrap median HR (95% percentile CI)")) %>% # Median bootstrapped HR and 95% bias-corrected and accelerated bootstrap CI rbind(data.frame("OR" = OR_median, "OR_low_CI" = boot_ci_OR_BCA$bca[4], "OR_upp_CI" = boot_ci_OR_BCA$bca[5], "Method"="Bootstrap median HR (95% BCa CI)")) %>% #apply rounding for numeric columns mutate_if(.predicate = is.numeric, sprintf, fmt = "%.3f") %>% #format for output transmute(Method, OR_95_CI = paste0(OR, " (", OR_low_CI, " to ", OR_upp_CI, ")")) # turns the results to a table suitable for word/ powerpoint OR_table <- OR_summ %>% regulartable() %>% #make it a flextable object set_header_labels(Method = "Method", OR_95_CI = "Odds ratio (95% CI)") %>% font(font = 'Arial', part = 'all') %>% fontsize(size = 14, part = 'all') %>% bold(part = 'header') %>% align(align = 'center', part = 'all') %>% align(j = 1, align = 'left', part = 'all') %>% border_outer(border = fp_border()) %>% border_inner_h(border = fp_border()) %>% border_inner_v(border = fp_border()) %>% autofit(add_w = 0.2)
An object containing weighted intervention data (est_weights$analysis_data) and a vector of the centered matching variables (est_weights$matching_vars).
est_weights$analysis_data is a data frame with 500 rows and 16 variables:
unique patient number
Name of the arm of the trial the patient was randomized to
Patient age, years
Patient gender: 1 for males and 0 for females
Variable to indicate whether the patients smokes: 1 for yes and 0 for no
ECOOG PS: 1 for ECOG PS 0 and 0 for ECOG PS >=1
Objective response
Time to overall survival event/censor
Overall survival event = 1, censor = 0
Objective response
Patient's age minus average age in the comparator population
Patient's age squared - (Mean age in the target population squared + Standard deviation of age in the target population squared)
SEX variable minus the proportion of males in the comparator population
SMOKE variable minus the proportion of smokers in the comparator population
ECOG0 variable minus the proportion of patients with ECOG0 in the comparator population
Propensity weight assigned to patient
Propensity weight rescaled
Estimate the effective sample size (ESS).
estimate_ess(data, wt_col = "wt")
estimate_ess(data, wt_col = "wt")
data |
A data frame containing individual patient data from
the intervention study, including a column containing the weights (derived
using |
wt_col |
The name of the weights column in the data frame containing the intervention individual patient data and the MAIC propensity weights. The default is wt. |
For a weighted estimate, the effective sample size (ESS) is the number of independent non-weighted individuals that would be required to give an estimate with the same precision as the weighted sample estimate. A small ESS, relative to the original sample size, is an indication that the weights are highly variable and that the estimate may be unstable. This often occurs if there is very limited overlap in the distribution of the matching variables between the populations being compared. If there is insufficient overlap between populations it may not be possible to obtain reliable estimates of the weights
The effective sample size (ESS) as a numeric value.
# This example code uses the weighted individual patient data, outputted from # the estimate_weights function to perform weight diagnostics. The weighted data # is saved within est_weights. To check the weighted aggregate baseline # characteristics for 'intervention' match those in the comparator data, # standardized data "target_pop_standard" is used. Please see the package # vignette for more information on how to use the estimate_weights function and # derive the "target_pop_standard" data. library(dplyr) library(MAIC) # load est_weights data(est_weights, package = "MAIC") # load target_pop_standard data(target_pop_standard, package = "MAIC") # List out the uncentered variables used in the matching match_cov <- c("AGE", "SEX", "SMOKE", "ECOG0") # Are the weights sensible? ---------------------------------------------------- # The wt_diagnostics function requires the output from the estimate_weights # function and will output: # - the effective sample size (ESS) # - a summary of the weights and rescaled weights (mean, standard deviation, # median, minimum and maximum) # - a unique set of weights with the corresponding patient profile based on the # matching variables diagnostics <- wt_diagnostics(est_weights$analysis_data, vars = match_cov) diagnostics$ESS diagnostics$Summary_of_weights diagnostics$Weight_profiles # Each of the wt_diagnostics outputs can also be estimated individually ESS <- estimate_ess(est_weights$analysis_data) weight_summ <- summarize_wts(est_weights$analysis_data) wts_profile <- profile_wts(est_weights$analysis_data, vars = match_cov) # Plot histograms of unscaled and rescaled weights # bin_width needs to be adapted depending on the sample size in the data set histogram <- hist_wts(est_weights$analysis_data, bin = 50) histogram # Has the optimization worked? ------------------------------------------------- # The following code produces a summary table of the intervention baseline # characteristics before and after matching compared with the comparator # baseline characteristics: # Create an object to hold the output baseline_summary <- list('Intervention' = NA, 'Intervention_weighted' = NA, 'Comparator' = NA) # Summarise matching variables for weighted intervention data baseline_summary$Intervention_weighted <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% transmute(AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0, wt) %>% summarise_at(match_cov, list(~ weighted.mean(., wt))) # Summarise matching variables for unweighted intervention data baseline_summary$Intervention <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% transmute(AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0, wt) %>% summarise_at(match_cov, list(~ mean(.))) # baseline data for the comparator study baseline_summary$Comparator <- transmute(target_pop_standard, AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0) # Combine the three summaries # Takes a list of data frames and binds these together trt <- names(baseline_summary) baseline_summary <- bind_rows(baseline_summary) %>% transmute_all(sprintf, fmt = "%.2f") %>% #apply rounding for presentation transmute(ARM = as.character(trt), AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0) # Insert N of intervention as number of patients baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Intervention"] <- nrow(est_weights$analysis_data) # Insert N for comparator from target_pop_standard baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Comparator"] <- target_pop_standard$N # Insert the ESS as the sample size for the weighted data # This is calculated above but can also be obtained using the estimate_ess function as shown below baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Intervention_weighted"] <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% estimate_ess(wt_col = 'wt') baseline_summary <- baseline_summary %>% transmute(ARM, `N/ESS`=round(`N/ESS`,1), AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0)
# This example code uses the weighted individual patient data, outputted from # the estimate_weights function to perform weight diagnostics. The weighted data # is saved within est_weights. To check the weighted aggregate baseline # characteristics for 'intervention' match those in the comparator data, # standardized data "target_pop_standard" is used. Please see the package # vignette for more information on how to use the estimate_weights function and # derive the "target_pop_standard" data. library(dplyr) library(MAIC) # load est_weights data(est_weights, package = "MAIC") # load target_pop_standard data(target_pop_standard, package = "MAIC") # List out the uncentered variables used in the matching match_cov <- c("AGE", "SEX", "SMOKE", "ECOG0") # Are the weights sensible? ---------------------------------------------------- # The wt_diagnostics function requires the output from the estimate_weights # function and will output: # - the effective sample size (ESS) # - a summary of the weights and rescaled weights (mean, standard deviation, # median, minimum and maximum) # - a unique set of weights with the corresponding patient profile based on the # matching variables diagnostics <- wt_diagnostics(est_weights$analysis_data, vars = match_cov) diagnostics$ESS diagnostics$Summary_of_weights diagnostics$Weight_profiles # Each of the wt_diagnostics outputs can also be estimated individually ESS <- estimate_ess(est_weights$analysis_data) weight_summ <- summarize_wts(est_weights$analysis_data) wts_profile <- profile_wts(est_weights$analysis_data, vars = match_cov) # Plot histograms of unscaled and rescaled weights # bin_width needs to be adapted depending on the sample size in the data set histogram <- hist_wts(est_weights$analysis_data, bin = 50) histogram # Has the optimization worked? ------------------------------------------------- # The following code produces a summary table of the intervention baseline # characteristics before and after matching compared with the comparator # baseline characteristics: # Create an object to hold the output baseline_summary <- list('Intervention' = NA, 'Intervention_weighted' = NA, 'Comparator' = NA) # Summarise matching variables for weighted intervention data baseline_summary$Intervention_weighted <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% transmute(AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0, wt) %>% summarise_at(match_cov, list(~ weighted.mean(., wt))) # Summarise matching variables for unweighted intervention data baseline_summary$Intervention <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% transmute(AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0, wt) %>% summarise_at(match_cov, list(~ mean(.))) # baseline data for the comparator study baseline_summary$Comparator <- transmute(target_pop_standard, AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0) # Combine the three summaries # Takes a list of data frames and binds these together trt <- names(baseline_summary) baseline_summary <- bind_rows(baseline_summary) %>% transmute_all(sprintf, fmt = "%.2f") %>% #apply rounding for presentation transmute(ARM = as.character(trt), AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0) # Insert N of intervention as number of patients baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Intervention"] <- nrow(est_weights$analysis_data) # Insert N for comparator from target_pop_standard baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Comparator"] <- target_pop_standard$N # Insert the ESS as the sample size for the weighted data # This is calculated above but can also be obtained using the estimate_ess function as shown below baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Intervention_weighted"] <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% estimate_ess(wt_col = 'wt') baseline_summary <- baseline_summary %>% transmute(ARM, `N/ESS`=round(`N/ESS`,1), AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0)
Estimate propensity weights for matching-adjusted indirect comparison (MAIC).
estimate_weights(intervention_data, matching_vars, method = "BFGS", ...)
estimate_weights(intervention_data, matching_vars, method = "BFGS", ...)
intervention_data |
A data frame containing individual patient data from the intervention study. |
matching_vars |
A character vector giving the names of the covariates to use in matching. These names must match the column names in intervention_data. |
method |
The method used for optimisation - The default is method =
"BFGS". Refer to |
... |
Additional arguments to be passed to optimisation functions such
as the method for maximum likelihood optimisation. Refer to |
The premise of MAIC methods is to adjust for between-trial differences in patient demographic or disease characteristics at baseline. When a common treatment comparator or ‘linked network’ are unavailable, a MAIC assumes that differences between absolute outcomes that would be observed in each trial are entirely explained by imbalances in prognostic variables and treatment effect modifiers.
The aim of the MAIC method is to estimate a set of propensity weights based on prognostic variables and treatment effect modifiers. These weights can be used in subsequent statistical analysis to adjust for differences in patient characteristics between the population in the intervention trial and the population in a comparator study. For additional details on the statistical methods, refer to the package vignette.
The data required for an unanchored MAIC are:
Individual patient data from a single arm study of 'intervention'
Aggregate summary data for 'comparator'. This could be from a single arm study of the comparator or from one arm of a randomized controlled trial.
Psuedo patient data from the comparator study. This is not required for the matching process but is needed to derive the relative treatment effects between the intervention and comparator.
For the matching process:
All binary variables to be used in the matching should be coded 1 and 0
The variable names need to be listed in a character vector called match_cov
Aggregate baseline characteristics (number of patients, mean and SD for continuous variables and proportion for binary variables) from the comparator trial are needed as a data frame. Naming of the covariates in this data frame should be consistent with variable names in the intervention data.
Patient baseline characteristics in the intervention study are centered on the value of the aggregate data from the comparator study
The estimate_weights function can then be used to estimate propensity weights for each patient in the intervention study
For full details refer to the example below and the package vignette
A list containing 2 objects. First, a data frame named analysis_data containing intervention_data with additional columns named wt (weights) and wt_rs (rescaled weights). Second, a vector called matching_vars of the names of the centered matching variables used.
# This example code estimates weights for individual patient data from a single # arm study of 'intervention' based on aggregate baseline characteristics from # the comparator trial library(dplyr) library(MAIC) #### Prepare the data ---------------------------------------------------------- ### Intervention data # Read in relevant ADaM data and rename variables of interest adsl <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "adsl.csv", package = "MAIC", mustWork = TRUE)) adrs <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "adrs.csv", package = "MAIC", mustWork = TRUE)) adtte <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "adtte.csv", package = "MAIC", mustWork = TRUE)) adsl <- adsl %>% # Data containing the matching variables mutate(SEX=ifelse(SEX=="Male", 1, 0)) # Coded 1 for males and 0 for females adrs <- adrs %>% # Response data filter(PARAM=="Response") %>% transmute(USUBJID, ARM, response=AVAL) adtte <- adtte %>% # Time to event data (overall survival) filter(PARAMCD=="OS") %>% mutate(Event=1-CNSR) %>% #Set up coding as Event = 1, Censor = 0 transmute(USUBJID, ARM, Time=AVAL, Event) # Combine all intervention data intervention_input <- adsl %>% full_join(adrs, by=c("USUBJID", "ARM")) %>% full_join(adtte, by=c("USUBJID", "ARM")) # List out the variables in the intervention data that have been identified as # prognostic factors or treatment effect modifiers and will be used in the # matching match_cov <- c("AGE", "SEX", "SMOKE", "ECOG0") ## Baseline data from the comparator trial # Baseline aggregate data for the comparator population target_pop <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "aggregate_data.csv", package = "MAIC", mustWork = TRUE)) # Rename target population cols to be consistent with match_cov target_pop_standard <- target_pop %>% rename( N=N, Treatment=ARM, AGE=age.mean, SEX=prop.male, SMOKE=prop.smoke, ECOG0=prop.ecog0 ) %>% transmute(N, Treatment, AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0) #### Estimate weights ---------------------------------------------------------- ### Center baseline characteristics # (subtract the aggregate comparator data from the corresponding column of # intervention PLD) intervention_data <- intervention_input %>% mutate( Age_centered = AGE - target_pop$age.mean, # matching on both mean and standard deviation for continuous variables (optional) Age_squared_centered = (AGE^2) - (target_pop$age.mean^2 + target_pop$age.sd^2), Sex_centered = SEX - target_pop$prop.male, Smoke_centered = SMOKE - target_pop$prop.smoke, ECOG0_centered = ECOG0 - target_pop$prop.ecog0) ## Define the matching covariates cent_match_cov <- c("Age_centered", "Age_squared_centered", "Sex_centered", "Smoke_centered", "ECOG0_centered") ## Optimization procedure # Following the centering of the baseline characteristics of the intervention # study, patient weights can be estimated using estimate_weights # The function output is a list containing (1) a data set of the individual # patient data with the assigned weights "analysis_data" and (2) a vector # containing the matching variables "matching_vars" est_weights <- estimate_weights(intervention_data = intervention_data, matching_vars = cent_match_cov)
# This example code estimates weights for individual patient data from a single # arm study of 'intervention' based on aggregate baseline characteristics from # the comparator trial library(dplyr) library(MAIC) #### Prepare the data ---------------------------------------------------------- ### Intervention data # Read in relevant ADaM data and rename variables of interest adsl <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "adsl.csv", package = "MAIC", mustWork = TRUE)) adrs <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "adrs.csv", package = "MAIC", mustWork = TRUE)) adtte <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "adtte.csv", package = "MAIC", mustWork = TRUE)) adsl <- adsl %>% # Data containing the matching variables mutate(SEX=ifelse(SEX=="Male", 1, 0)) # Coded 1 for males and 0 for females adrs <- adrs %>% # Response data filter(PARAM=="Response") %>% transmute(USUBJID, ARM, response=AVAL) adtte <- adtte %>% # Time to event data (overall survival) filter(PARAMCD=="OS") %>% mutate(Event=1-CNSR) %>% #Set up coding as Event = 1, Censor = 0 transmute(USUBJID, ARM, Time=AVAL, Event) # Combine all intervention data intervention_input <- adsl %>% full_join(adrs, by=c("USUBJID", "ARM")) %>% full_join(adtte, by=c("USUBJID", "ARM")) # List out the variables in the intervention data that have been identified as # prognostic factors or treatment effect modifiers and will be used in the # matching match_cov <- c("AGE", "SEX", "SMOKE", "ECOG0") ## Baseline data from the comparator trial # Baseline aggregate data for the comparator population target_pop <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "aggregate_data.csv", package = "MAIC", mustWork = TRUE)) # Rename target population cols to be consistent with match_cov target_pop_standard <- target_pop %>% rename( N=N, Treatment=ARM, AGE=age.mean, SEX=prop.male, SMOKE=prop.smoke, ECOG0=prop.ecog0 ) %>% transmute(N, Treatment, AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0) #### Estimate weights ---------------------------------------------------------- ### Center baseline characteristics # (subtract the aggregate comparator data from the corresponding column of # intervention PLD) intervention_data <- intervention_input %>% mutate( Age_centered = AGE - target_pop$age.mean, # matching on both mean and standard deviation for continuous variables (optional) Age_squared_centered = (AGE^2) - (target_pop$age.mean^2 + target_pop$age.sd^2), Sex_centered = SEX - target_pop$prop.male, Smoke_centered = SMOKE - target_pop$prop.smoke, ECOG0_centered = ECOG0 - target_pop$prop.ecog0) ## Define the matching covariates cent_match_cov <- c("Age_centered", "Age_squared_centered", "Sex_centered", "Smoke_centered", "ECOG0_centered") ## Optimization procedure # Following the centering of the baseline characteristics of the intervention # study, patient weights can be estimated using estimate_weights # The function output is a list containing (1) a data set of the individual # patient data with the assigned weights "analysis_data" and (2) a vector # containing the matching variables "matching_vars" est_weights <- estimate_weights(intervention_data = intervention_data, matching_vars = cent_match_cov)
Produce a plot containing two histograms (one of the weights and one of the rescaled weights).
hist_wts(data, wt_col = "wt", rs_wt_col = "wt_rs", bin = 30)
hist_wts(data, wt_col = "wt", rs_wt_col = "wt_rs", bin = 30)
data |
A data frame containing individual patient data from
the intervention study, including a column containing the weights (derived
using |
wt_col |
The name of the weights column in the data frame containing the intervention individual patient data and the MAIC propensity weights. The default is wt. |
rs_wt_col |
The name of the rescaled weights column in the data frame containing the intervention individual patient data and the MAIC propensity weights. The default is wt_rs. |
bin |
Number of bins to plot histogram. The default is 30. |
A histogram plot of the weights and rescaled weights.
# This example code uses the weighted individual patient data, outputted from # the estimate_weights function to perform weight diagnostics. The weighted data # is saved within est_weights. To check the weighted aggregate baseline # characteristics for 'intervention' match those in the comparator data, # standardized data "target_pop_standard" is used. Please see the package # vignette for more information on how to use the estimate_weights function and # derive the "target_pop_standard" data. library(dplyr) library(MAIC) # load est_weights data(est_weights, package = "MAIC") # load target_pop_standard data(target_pop_standard, package = "MAIC") # List out the uncentered variables used in the matching match_cov <- c("AGE", "SEX", "SMOKE", "ECOG0") # Are the weights sensible? ---------------------------------------------------- # The wt_diagnostics function requires the output from the estimate_weights # function and will output: # - the effective sample size (ESS) # - a summary of the weights and rescaled weights (mean, standard deviation, # median, minimum and maximum) # - a unique set of weights with the corresponding patient profile based on the # matching variables diagnostics <- wt_diagnostics(est_weights$analysis_data, vars = match_cov) diagnostics$ESS diagnostics$Summary_of_weights diagnostics$Weight_profiles # Each of the wt_diagnostics outputs can also be estimated individually ESS <- estimate_ess(est_weights$analysis_data) weight_summ <- summarize_wts(est_weights$analysis_data) wts_profile <- profile_wts(est_weights$analysis_data, vars = match_cov) # Plot histograms of unscaled and rescaled weights # bin_width needs to be adapted depending on the sample size in the data set histogram <- hist_wts(est_weights$analysis_data, bin = 50) histogram # Has the optimization worked? ------------------------------------------------- # The following code produces a summary table of the intervention baseline # characteristics before and after matching compared with the comparator # baseline characteristics: # Create an object to hold the output baseline_summary <- list('Intervention' = NA, 'Intervention_weighted' = NA, 'Comparator' = NA) # Summarise matching variables for weighted intervention data baseline_summary$Intervention_weighted <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% transmute(AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0, wt) %>% summarise_at(match_cov, list(~ weighted.mean(., wt))) # Summarise matching variables for unweighted intervention data baseline_summary$Intervention <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% transmute(AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0, wt) %>% summarise_at(match_cov, list(~ mean(.))) # baseline data for the comparator study baseline_summary$Comparator <- transmute(target_pop_standard, AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0) # Combine the three summaries # Takes a list of data frames and binds these together trt <- names(baseline_summary) baseline_summary <- bind_rows(baseline_summary) %>% transmute_all(sprintf, fmt = "%.2f") %>% #apply rounding for presentation transmute(ARM = as.character(trt), AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0) # Insert N of intervention as number of patients baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Intervention"] <- nrow(est_weights$analysis_data) # Insert N for comparator from target_pop_standard baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Comparator"] <- target_pop_standard$N # Insert the ESS as the sample size for the weighted data # This is calculated above but can also be obtained using the estimate_ess function as shown below baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Intervention_weighted"] <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% estimate_ess(wt_col = 'wt') baseline_summary <- baseline_summary %>% transmute(ARM, `N/ESS`=round(`N/ESS`,1), AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0)
# This example code uses the weighted individual patient data, outputted from # the estimate_weights function to perform weight diagnostics. The weighted data # is saved within est_weights. To check the weighted aggregate baseline # characteristics for 'intervention' match those in the comparator data, # standardized data "target_pop_standard" is used. Please see the package # vignette for more information on how to use the estimate_weights function and # derive the "target_pop_standard" data. library(dplyr) library(MAIC) # load est_weights data(est_weights, package = "MAIC") # load target_pop_standard data(target_pop_standard, package = "MAIC") # List out the uncentered variables used in the matching match_cov <- c("AGE", "SEX", "SMOKE", "ECOG0") # Are the weights sensible? ---------------------------------------------------- # The wt_diagnostics function requires the output from the estimate_weights # function and will output: # - the effective sample size (ESS) # - a summary of the weights and rescaled weights (mean, standard deviation, # median, minimum and maximum) # - a unique set of weights with the corresponding patient profile based on the # matching variables diagnostics <- wt_diagnostics(est_weights$analysis_data, vars = match_cov) diagnostics$ESS diagnostics$Summary_of_weights diagnostics$Weight_profiles # Each of the wt_diagnostics outputs can also be estimated individually ESS <- estimate_ess(est_weights$analysis_data) weight_summ <- summarize_wts(est_weights$analysis_data) wts_profile <- profile_wts(est_weights$analysis_data, vars = match_cov) # Plot histograms of unscaled and rescaled weights # bin_width needs to be adapted depending on the sample size in the data set histogram <- hist_wts(est_weights$analysis_data, bin = 50) histogram # Has the optimization worked? ------------------------------------------------- # The following code produces a summary table of the intervention baseline # characteristics before and after matching compared with the comparator # baseline characteristics: # Create an object to hold the output baseline_summary <- list('Intervention' = NA, 'Intervention_weighted' = NA, 'Comparator' = NA) # Summarise matching variables for weighted intervention data baseline_summary$Intervention_weighted <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% transmute(AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0, wt) %>% summarise_at(match_cov, list(~ weighted.mean(., wt))) # Summarise matching variables for unweighted intervention data baseline_summary$Intervention <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% transmute(AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0, wt) %>% summarise_at(match_cov, list(~ mean(.))) # baseline data for the comparator study baseline_summary$Comparator <- transmute(target_pop_standard, AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0) # Combine the three summaries # Takes a list of data frames and binds these together trt <- names(baseline_summary) baseline_summary <- bind_rows(baseline_summary) %>% transmute_all(sprintf, fmt = "%.2f") %>% #apply rounding for presentation transmute(ARM = as.character(trt), AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0) # Insert N of intervention as number of patients baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Intervention"] <- nrow(est_weights$analysis_data) # Insert N for comparator from target_pop_standard baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Comparator"] <- target_pop_standard$N # Insert the ESS as the sample size for the weighted data # This is calculated above but can also be obtained using the estimate_ess function as shown below baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Intervention_weighted"] <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% estimate_ess(wt_col = 'wt') baseline_summary <- baseline_summary %>% transmute(ARM, `N/ESS`=round(`N/ESS`,1), AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0)
The MAIC package provides functions to help perform and summarize results from matched-adjusted indirect comparisons
Select the patient characteristics used in the matching and the MAIC weights and output a data frame of unique propensity weight values with the associated summary baseline characteristics. This data frame helps to understand how different patient profiles are contributing to the analyses by illustrating the patient characteristics associated with different weight values. For example, min, max and median weights. This function is most useful when only matching on binary variables as there are fewer unique values.
profile_wts(data, wt_col = "wt", wt_rs = "wt_rs", vars)
profile_wts(data, wt_col = "wt", wt_rs = "wt_rs", vars)
data |
A data frame containing individual patient data from
the intervention study, including a column containing the weights (derived
using |
wt_col |
The name of the weights column in the data frame containing the intervention individual patient data and the MAIC propensity weights. The default is wt. |
wt_rs |
The name of the rescaled weights column in the data frame containing the intervention individual patient data and the MAIC propensity weights. The default is wt_rs. |
vars |
A character vector giving the variable names of the baseline characteristics (not centered). These names must match the column names in the data. |
A data frame that includes a summary of patient characteristics associated with each weight value.
# This example code uses the weighted individual patient data, outputted from # the estimate_weights function to perform weight diagnostics. The weighted data # is saved within est_weights. To check the weighted aggregate baseline # characteristics for 'intervention' match those in the comparator data, # standardized data "target_pop_standard" is used. Please see the package # vignette for more information on how to use the estimate_weights function and # derive the "target_pop_standard" data. library(dplyr) library(MAIC) # load est_weights data(est_weights, package = "MAIC") # load target_pop_standard data(target_pop_standard, package = "MAIC") # List out the uncentered variables used in the matching match_cov <- c("AGE", "SEX", "SMOKE", "ECOG0") # Are the weights sensible? ---------------------------------------------------- # The wt_diagnostics function requires the output from the estimate_weights # function and will output: # - the effective sample size (ESS) # - a summary of the weights and rescaled weights (mean, standard deviation, # median, minimum and maximum) # - a unique set of weights with the corresponding patient profile based on the # matching variables diagnostics <- wt_diagnostics(est_weights$analysis_data, vars = match_cov) diagnostics$ESS diagnostics$Summary_of_weights diagnostics$Weight_profiles # Each of the wt_diagnostics outputs can also be estimated individually ESS <- estimate_ess(est_weights$analysis_data) weight_summ <- summarize_wts(est_weights$analysis_data) wts_profile <- profile_wts(est_weights$analysis_data, vars = match_cov) # Plot histograms of unscaled and rescaled weights # bin_width needs to be adapted depending on the sample size in the data set histogram <- hist_wts(est_weights$analysis_data, bin = 50) histogram # Has the optimization worked? ------------------------------------------------- # The following code produces a summary table of the intervention baseline # characteristics before and after matching compared with the comparator # baseline characteristics: # Create an object to hold the output baseline_summary <- list('Intervention' = NA, 'Intervention_weighted' = NA, 'Comparator' = NA) # Summarise matching variables for weighted intervention data baseline_summary$Intervention_weighted <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% transmute(AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0, wt) %>% summarise_at(match_cov, list(~ weighted.mean(., wt))) # Summarise matching variables for unweighted intervention data baseline_summary$Intervention <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% transmute(AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0, wt) %>% summarise_at(match_cov, list(~ mean(.))) # baseline data for the comparator study baseline_summary$Comparator <- transmute(target_pop_standard, AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0) # Combine the three summaries # Takes a list of data frames and binds these together trt <- names(baseline_summary) baseline_summary <- bind_rows(baseline_summary) %>% transmute_all(sprintf, fmt = "%.2f") %>% #apply rounding for presentation transmute(ARM = as.character(trt), AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0) # Insert N of intervention as number of patients baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Intervention"] <- nrow(est_weights$analysis_data) # Insert N for comparator from target_pop_standard baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Comparator"] <- target_pop_standard$N # Insert the ESS as the sample size for the weighted data # This is calculated above but can also be obtained using the estimate_ess function as shown below baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Intervention_weighted"] <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% estimate_ess(wt_col = 'wt') baseline_summary <- baseline_summary %>% transmute(ARM, `N/ESS`=round(`N/ESS`,1), AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0)
# This example code uses the weighted individual patient data, outputted from # the estimate_weights function to perform weight diagnostics. The weighted data # is saved within est_weights. To check the weighted aggregate baseline # characteristics for 'intervention' match those in the comparator data, # standardized data "target_pop_standard" is used. Please see the package # vignette for more information on how to use the estimate_weights function and # derive the "target_pop_standard" data. library(dplyr) library(MAIC) # load est_weights data(est_weights, package = "MAIC") # load target_pop_standard data(target_pop_standard, package = "MAIC") # List out the uncentered variables used in the matching match_cov <- c("AGE", "SEX", "SMOKE", "ECOG0") # Are the weights sensible? ---------------------------------------------------- # The wt_diagnostics function requires the output from the estimate_weights # function and will output: # - the effective sample size (ESS) # - a summary of the weights and rescaled weights (mean, standard deviation, # median, minimum and maximum) # - a unique set of weights with the corresponding patient profile based on the # matching variables diagnostics <- wt_diagnostics(est_weights$analysis_data, vars = match_cov) diagnostics$ESS diagnostics$Summary_of_weights diagnostics$Weight_profiles # Each of the wt_diagnostics outputs can also be estimated individually ESS <- estimate_ess(est_weights$analysis_data) weight_summ <- summarize_wts(est_weights$analysis_data) wts_profile <- profile_wts(est_weights$analysis_data, vars = match_cov) # Plot histograms of unscaled and rescaled weights # bin_width needs to be adapted depending on the sample size in the data set histogram <- hist_wts(est_weights$analysis_data, bin = 50) histogram # Has the optimization worked? ------------------------------------------------- # The following code produces a summary table of the intervention baseline # characteristics before and after matching compared with the comparator # baseline characteristics: # Create an object to hold the output baseline_summary <- list('Intervention' = NA, 'Intervention_weighted' = NA, 'Comparator' = NA) # Summarise matching variables for weighted intervention data baseline_summary$Intervention_weighted <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% transmute(AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0, wt) %>% summarise_at(match_cov, list(~ weighted.mean(., wt))) # Summarise matching variables for unweighted intervention data baseline_summary$Intervention <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% transmute(AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0, wt) %>% summarise_at(match_cov, list(~ mean(.))) # baseline data for the comparator study baseline_summary$Comparator <- transmute(target_pop_standard, AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0) # Combine the three summaries # Takes a list of data frames and binds these together trt <- names(baseline_summary) baseline_summary <- bind_rows(baseline_summary) %>% transmute_all(sprintf, fmt = "%.2f") %>% #apply rounding for presentation transmute(ARM = as.character(trt), AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0) # Insert N of intervention as number of patients baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Intervention"] <- nrow(est_weights$analysis_data) # Insert N for comparator from target_pop_standard baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Comparator"] <- target_pop_standard$N # Insert the ESS as the sample size for the weighted data # This is calculated above but can also be obtained using the estimate_ess function as shown below baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Intervention_weighted"] <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% estimate_ess(wt_col = 'wt') baseline_summary <- baseline_summary %>% transmute(ARM, `N/ESS`=round(`N/ESS`,1), AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0)
Produce a summary of the weights (minimum, maximum, median, mean, standard deviation). Mean and standard deviation are provided for completeness. In practice the distribution of weights may be skewed in which case mean and SD should be interpreted with caution.
summarize_wts(data, wt_col = "wt", rs_wt_col = "wt_rs")
summarize_wts(data, wt_col = "wt", rs_wt_col = "wt_rs")
data |
A data frame containing individual patient data from
the intervention study, including a column containing the weights (derived
using |
wt_col |
The name of the weights column in the data frame containing the intervention individual patient data and the MAIC propensity weights. The default is wt. |
rs_wt_col |
The name of the rescaled weights column in the data frame containing the intervention individual patient data and the MAIC propensity weights. The default is wt_rs. |
A data frame that includes a summary (minimum, maximum, median, mean, standard deviation) of the weights and rescaled weights.
# This example code uses the weighted individual patient data, outputted from # the estimate_weights function to perform weight diagnostics. The weighted data # is saved within est_weights. To check the weighted aggregate baseline # characteristics for 'intervention' match those in the comparator data, # standardized data "target_pop_standard" is used. Please see the package # vignette for more information on how to use the estimate_weights function and # derive the "target_pop_standard" data. library(dplyr) library(MAIC) # load est_weights data(est_weights, package = "MAIC") # load target_pop_standard data(target_pop_standard, package = "MAIC") # List out the uncentered variables used in the matching match_cov <- c("AGE", "SEX", "SMOKE", "ECOG0") # Are the weights sensible? ---------------------------------------------------- # The wt_diagnostics function requires the output from the estimate_weights # function and will output: # - the effective sample size (ESS) # - a summary of the weights and rescaled weights (mean, standard deviation, # median, minimum and maximum) # - a unique set of weights with the corresponding patient profile based on the # matching variables diagnostics <- wt_diagnostics(est_weights$analysis_data, vars = match_cov) diagnostics$ESS diagnostics$Summary_of_weights diagnostics$Weight_profiles # Each of the wt_diagnostics outputs can also be estimated individually ESS <- estimate_ess(est_weights$analysis_data) weight_summ <- summarize_wts(est_weights$analysis_data) wts_profile <- profile_wts(est_weights$analysis_data, vars = match_cov) # Plot histograms of unscaled and rescaled weights # bin_width needs to be adapted depending on the sample size in the data set histogram <- hist_wts(est_weights$analysis_data, bin = 50) histogram # Has the optimization worked? ------------------------------------------------- # The following code produces a summary table of the intervention baseline # characteristics before and after matching compared with the comparator # baseline characteristics: # Create an object to hold the output baseline_summary <- list('Intervention' = NA, 'Intervention_weighted' = NA, 'Comparator' = NA) # Summarise matching variables for weighted intervention data baseline_summary$Intervention_weighted <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% transmute(AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0, wt) %>% summarise_at(match_cov, list(~ weighted.mean(., wt))) # Summarise matching variables for unweighted intervention data baseline_summary$Intervention <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% transmute(AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0, wt) %>% summarise_at(match_cov, list(~ mean(.))) # baseline data for the comparator study baseline_summary$Comparator <- transmute(target_pop_standard, AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0) # Combine the three summaries # Takes a list of data frames and binds these together trt <- names(baseline_summary) baseline_summary <- bind_rows(baseline_summary) %>% transmute_all(sprintf, fmt = "%.2f") %>% #apply rounding for presentation transmute(ARM = as.character(trt), AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0) # Insert N of intervention as number of patients baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Intervention"] <- nrow(est_weights$analysis_data) # Insert N for comparator from target_pop_standard baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Comparator"] <- target_pop_standard$N # Insert the ESS as the sample size for the weighted data # This is calculated above but can also be obtained using the estimate_ess function as shown below baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Intervention_weighted"] <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% estimate_ess(wt_col = 'wt') baseline_summary <- baseline_summary %>% transmute(ARM, `N/ESS`=round(`N/ESS`,1), AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0)
# This example code uses the weighted individual patient data, outputted from # the estimate_weights function to perform weight diagnostics. The weighted data # is saved within est_weights. To check the weighted aggregate baseline # characteristics for 'intervention' match those in the comparator data, # standardized data "target_pop_standard" is used. Please see the package # vignette for more information on how to use the estimate_weights function and # derive the "target_pop_standard" data. library(dplyr) library(MAIC) # load est_weights data(est_weights, package = "MAIC") # load target_pop_standard data(target_pop_standard, package = "MAIC") # List out the uncentered variables used in the matching match_cov <- c("AGE", "SEX", "SMOKE", "ECOG0") # Are the weights sensible? ---------------------------------------------------- # The wt_diagnostics function requires the output from the estimate_weights # function and will output: # - the effective sample size (ESS) # - a summary of the weights and rescaled weights (mean, standard deviation, # median, minimum and maximum) # - a unique set of weights with the corresponding patient profile based on the # matching variables diagnostics <- wt_diagnostics(est_weights$analysis_data, vars = match_cov) diagnostics$ESS diagnostics$Summary_of_weights diagnostics$Weight_profiles # Each of the wt_diagnostics outputs can also be estimated individually ESS <- estimate_ess(est_weights$analysis_data) weight_summ <- summarize_wts(est_weights$analysis_data) wts_profile <- profile_wts(est_weights$analysis_data, vars = match_cov) # Plot histograms of unscaled and rescaled weights # bin_width needs to be adapted depending on the sample size in the data set histogram <- hist_wts(est_weights$analysis_data, bin = 50) histogram # Has the optimization worked? ------------------------------------------------- # The following code produces a summary table of the intervention baseline # characteristics before and after matching compared with the comparator # baseline characteristics: # Create an object to hold the output baseline_summary <- list('Intervention' = NA, 'Intervention_weighted' = NA, 'Comparator' = NA) # Summarise matching variables for weighted intervention data baseline_summary$Intervention_weighted <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% transmute(AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0, wt) %>% summarise_at(match_cov, list(~ weighted.mean(., wt))) # Summarise matching variables for unweighted intervention data baseline_summary$Intervention <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% transmute(AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0, wt) %>% summarise_at(match_cov, list(~ mean(.))) # baseline data for the comparator study baseline_summary$Comparator <- transmute(target_pop_standard, AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0) # Combine the three summaries # Takes a list of data frames and binds these together trt <- names(baseline_summary) baseline_summary <- bind_rows(baseline_summary) %>% transmute_all(sprintf, fmt = "%.2f") %>% #apply rounding for presentation transmute(ARM = as.character(trt), AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0) # Insert N of intervention as number of patients baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Intervention"] <- nrow(est_weights$analysis_data) # Insert N for comparator from target_pop_standard baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Comparator"] <- target_pop_standard$N # Insert the ESS as the sample size for the weighted data # This is calculated above but can also be obtained using the estimate_ess function as shown below baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Intervention_weighted"] <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% estimate_ess(wt_col = 'wt') baseline_summary <- baseline_summary %>% transmute(ARM, `N/ESS`=round(`N/ESS`,1), AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0)
A data frame containing the aggregate baseline characteristics in the comparator population.
A data frame with 1 row and 6 variables:
Total number of patients in the comparator population
Treatment received in the comparator population
Mean age
Proportion of males
Proportion of patients who smoke
Proportion of patients with ECOG 0
Produce a set of useful diagnostic metrics to summarize propensity weights
ESS (estimate_ess
Summary statistics of the weights: minimum, maximum, median, mean, SD (summarize_wts
Patient profile associated with weight values (profile_wts
wt_diagnostics(data, wt_col = "wt", wt_rs = "wt_rs", vars)
wt_diagnostics(data, wt_col = "wt", wt_rs = "wt_rs", vars)
data |
A data frame containing individual patient data from the intervention study, including a column containing the weights (derived using estimate_weights). |
wt_col |
The name of the weights column in the data frame containing the intervention individual patient data and the MAIC propensity weights. The default is wt. |
wt_rs |
The name of the rescaled weights column in the data frame containing the intervention individual patient data and the MAIC propensity weights. The default is wt_rs. |
vars |
A character vector giving the variable names of the baseline characteristics (not centered). These names must match the column names in the data. |
List of the following:
The effective sample size (ESS) as a numeric value.
A data frame that includes a summary (minimum, maximum, median, mean, standard deviation) of the weights and rescaled weights.
A data frame that includes a summary of patient characteristics associated with each weight value.
, estimate_ess
, summarize_wts
, profile_wts
# This example code uses the weighted individual patient data, outputted from # the estimate_weights function to perform weight diagnostics. The weighted data # is saved within est_weights. To check the weighted aggregate baseline # characteristics for 'intervention' match those in the comparator data, # standardized data "target_pop_standard" is used. Please see the package # vignette for more information on how to use the estimate_weights function and # derive the "target_pop_standard" data. library(dplyr) library(MAIC) # load est_weights data(est_weights, package = "MAIC") # load target_pop_standard data(target_pop_standard, package = "MAIC") # List out the uncentered variables used in the matching match_cov <- c("AGE", "SEX", "SMOKE", "ECOG0") # Are the weights sensible? ---------------------------------------------------- # The wt_diagnostics function requires the output from the estimate_weights # function and will output: # - the effective sample size (ESS) # - a summary of the weights and rescaled weights (mean, standard deviation, # median, minimum and maximum) # - a unique set of weights with the corresponding patient profile based on the # matching variables diagnostics <- wt_diagnostics(est_weights$analysis_data, vars = match_cov) diagnostics$ESS diagnostics$Summary_of_weights diagnostics$Weight_profiles # Each of the wt_diagnostics outputs can also be estimated individually ESS <- estimate_ess(est_weights$analysis_data) weight_summ <- summarize_wts(est_weights$analysis_data) wts_profile <- profile_wts(est_weights$analysis_data, vars = match_cov) # Plot histograms of unscaled and rescaled weights # bin_width needs to be adapted depending on the sample size in the data set histogram <- hist_wts(est_weights$analysis_data, bin = 50) histogram # Has the optimization worked? ------------------------------------------------- # The following code produces a summary table of the intervention baseline # characteristics before and after matching compared with the comparator # baseline characteristics: # Create an object to hold the output baseline_summary <- list('Intervention' = NA, 'Intervention_weighted' = NA, 'Comparator' = NA) # Summarise matching variables for weighted intervention data baseline_summary$Intervention_weighted <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% transmute(AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0, wt) %>% summarise_at(match_cov, list(~ weighted.mean(., wt))) # Summarise matching variables for unweighted intervention data baseline_summary$Intervention <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% transmute(AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0, wt) %>% summarise_at(match_cov, list(~ mean(.))) # baseline data for the comparator study baseline_summary$Comparator <- transmute(target_pop_standard, AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0) # Combine the three summaries # Takes a list of data frames and binds these together trt <- names(baseline_summary) baseline_summary <- bind_rows(baseline_summary) %>% transmute_all(sprintf, fmt = "%.2f") %>% #apply rounding for presentation transmute(ARM = as.character(trt), AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0) # Insert N of intervention as number of patients baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Intervention"] <- nrow(est_weights$analysis_data) # Insert N for comparator from target_pop_standard baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Comparator"] <- target_pop_standard$N # Insert the ESS as the sample size for the weighted data # This is calculated above but can also be obtained using the estimate_ess function as shown below baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Intervention_weighted"] <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% estimate_ess(wt_col = 'wt') baseline_summary <- baseline_summary %>% transmute(ARM, `N/ESS`=round(`N/ESS`,1), AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0)
# This example code uses the weighted individual patient data, outputted from # the estimate_weights function to perform weight diagnostics. The weighted data # is saved within est_weights. To check the weighted aggregate baseline # characteristics for 'intervention' match those in the comparator data, # standardized data "target_pop_standard" is used. Please see the package # vignette for more information on how to use the estimate_weights function and # derive the "target_pop_standard" data. library(dplyr) library(MAIC) # load est_weights data(est_weights, package = "MAIC") # load target_pop_standard data(target_pop_standard, package = "MAIC") # List out the uncentered variables used in the matching match_cov <- c("AGE", "SEX", "SMOKE", "ECOG0") # Are the weights sensible? ---------------------------------------------------- # The wt_diagnostics function requires the output from the estimate_weights # function and will output: # - the effective sample size (ESS) # - a summary of the weights and rescaled weights (mean, standard deviation, # median, minimum and maximum) # - a unique set of weights with the corresponding patient profile based on the # matching variables diagnostics <- wt_diagnostics(est_weights$analysis_data, vars = match_cov) diagnostics$ESS diagnostics$Summary_of_weights diagnostics$Weight_profiles # Each of the wt_diagnostics outputs can also be estimated individually ESS <- estimate_ess(est_weights$analysis_data) weight_summ <- summarize_wts(est_weights$analysis_data) wts_profile <- profile_wts(est_weights$analysis_data, vars = match_cov) # Plot histograms of unscaled and rescaled weights # bin_width needs to be adapted depending on the sample size in the data set histogram <- hist_wts(est_weights$analysis_data, bin = 50) histogram # Has the optimization worked? ------------------------------------------------- # The following code produces a summary table of the intervention baseline # characteristics before and after matching compared with the comparator # baseline characteristics: # Create an object to hold the output baseline_summary <- list('Intervention' = NA, 'Intervention_weighted' = NA, 'Comparator' = NA) # Summarise matching variables for weighted intervention data baseline_summary$Intervention_weighted <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% transmute(AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0, wt) %>% summarise_at(match_cov, list(~ weighted.mean(., wt))) # Summarise matching variables for unweighted intervention data baseline_summary$Intervention <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% transmute(AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0, wt) %>% summarise_at(match_cov, list(~ mean(.))) # baseline data for the comparator study baseline_summary$Comparator <- transmute(target_pop_standard, AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0) # Combine the three summaries # Takes a list of data frames and binds these together trt <- names(baseline_summary) baseline_summary <- bind_rows(baseline_summary) %>% transmute_all(sprintf, fmt = "%.2f") %>% #apply rounding for presentation transmute(ARM = as.character(trt), AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0) # Insert N of intervention as number of patients baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Intervention"] <- nrow(est_weights$analysis_data) # Insert N for comparator from target_pop_standard baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Comparator"] <- target_pop_standard$N # Insert the ESS as the sample size for the weighted data # This is calculated above but can also be obtained using the estimate_ess function as shown below baseline_summary$`N/ESS`[baseline_summary$ARM == "Intervention_weighted"] <- est_weights$analysis_data %>% estimate_ess(wt_col = 'wt') baseline_summary <- baseline_summary %>% transmute(ARM, `N/ESS`=round(`N/ESS`,1), AGE, SEX, SMOKE, ECOG0)